The Chinese Crested Dog is a cheerful and agile little animal. A characteristic feature is the presence of wool only in certain areas of the body. This is a hypoallergenic dog.

The head structure of a Chinese crested dog
Males have a size at the withers from 28 to 33 cm, females - from 23 to 30 cm. Weight is different, but it should not exceed 5 kg. The head is elongated, the skull is somewhat rounded. The expression in the eyes is wary. The cheekbones of this dog are even and narrow, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is moderately expressed. The muzzle narrows slightly, but does not sharpen, salivation is not typical. The nose can be of any color, the lips are thin.
The eyes are dark, seem completely black, set wide apart. The ears are set low, and there may be a fringe of wool around the edges. Strong jaws with a scissor bite, the neck should not be wrinkled. The neck is long, curved, passes into strong shoulders. The shoulders are narrow, the limbs are long and stand directly under the body. The elbows are close to the body, the fingers are not twisted.
Body structure
The body is of medium length, the ribcage is wide but not barrel-shaped, the ribs do not bulge. The belly is tucked up. The thighs are well muscled and rounded. The hock joint is lowered and the hindquarters are set wide apart. The back is straight. Paws so-called "hare": narrow and long, with elongated bones between the joints. This creates the illusion of an extra joint in the fingers. Any color of claws is allowed.
The tail is carried high, lifted when moving, the end of the host can form a gentle curve. Towards the end, the tail tapers slightly without curving to either side. At rest, the tail is calmly lowered. The body movements of this dog are very smooth and free, energetic.
Coat and pigmentation
The coat is present only on the legs, head and tail. However, there is also a downy variety of this breed. The Chinese Crested Dog does not shed or shed the characteristic dog smell. The skin is soft and delicate, pleasant to the touch, that's why these dogs are used for the so-called "pet therapy".
It is believed that touching the bare skin of these dogs has a multifaceted therapeutic effect, relieves stress. It is also a good pain reliever for headaches, stomach pains, asthma, rheumatism.
The color of the coat can be any, solid or with inclusions of a different color. The bare skin of the Chinese Crested tans in the sun, changing its color. It can be blue, steel, honey in color. Sometimes the color of the coat and skin changes with age, but the nose is always in harmony with the color. Eyelid pigmentation may be partially or completely absent.