Large dogs are those animals whose weight exceeds 45 kilograms, and the height at the withers is 70 cm. Despite the fact that keeping them is often more difficult than small dogs, they are popular. The largest breeds are considered to be the English Mastiff, St. Bernard, Great Dane and others.

English mastiff

The English Mastiff is one of the largest breeds in the world, with a minimum height of 75 centimeters and a minimum weight of 70 kilograms. Some individuals, especially males, reach 110 kilograms in weight, and the largest representative of this breed is the mastiff with a height of 94 centimeters and weighing more than 155 kilograms.

Despite their huge size and formidable appearance, the English Mastiffs are calm, peaceful and obedient. They treat people well, rarely bark, are easy to train with non-harsh methods - such a dog will react badly to physical punishment. Mastiffs do not attack people, but their formidable appearance makes them keep ill-wishers at bay.

Another related breed - the Spanish Mastiff - is also considered one of the largest in the world, the size of these dogs, on average, is slightly smaller than the English Mastiffs: their height is about 80 cm, and their weight is from 70 to 100 kilograms. The Pyrenean Mastiff, the Tibetan Mastiff, and the Neapolitan Mastiff are considered large.

St. Bernard

The St. Bernards are on average inferior in size to the English Mastiffs, but they are still giant animals that attract attention with their impressive appearance. Their height can be from 65 to 90 centimeters, the weight of dogs varies from 50 to 90 kilograms. Large, strong, powerful St. Bernards are soft in character, but strong physically. They are excellently oriented in space, friendly, in need of communication with people, not as withdrawn as mastiffs.
The largest dog was a representative of this breed: the weight of St. Bernard Benedictine was 166 kilograms. The longest dog was also a St. Bernard, the length of his body was 2.59 centimeters.
German dog
Great Dane dogs are not as powerful and imposing as St. Bernards or Mastiffs, but they are the tallest breed in the world. Slender, on long legs, stately and elegant, they reach 80-90 cm in height, but their weight is relatively small, about 50-70 kilograms, and only some representatives can reach 90 kilograms. The tallest Great Dane was about 112 centimeters tall.
Great Danes are also not aggressive, rarely bark, but can easily intimidate with their appearance. The characters of different dogs are different, some treat people well, others are unfriendly. But they are all very active, they need a lot of space and movement.
Large breeds are considered the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Moscow Watchdog, Irish Wolfhound, Newfundland, Boerboel, Vegner Shepherd Dog and others.