The Smallest And Largest Dog Breeds In The World

The Smallest And Largest Dog Breeds In The World
The Smallest And Largest Dog Breeds In The World

There are many breeds of dogs in the world. It is hard to believe that they all have common roots. The largest breeds can be taller than a human if they stand on their hind legs, while the smallest can easily fit in a purse.

The smallest and largest dog breeds in the world
The smallest and largest dog breeds in the world

Giant dogs are the largest breeds in the world

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One of the largest breeds is the English Mastiff. This ancient breed was bred before our era. Probably, her ancestor was the Tibetan Mastiff. Mentions of these dogs are found in the records of Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, who fought with the Anglo-Saxon tribes. Ancient historians noted the extraordinary size and ferocity of the Anglo-Saxon dogs. Later, mastiffs were used as guard and military dogs. They were distinguished by great intelligence and intolerance to strangers. The dimensions of the modern English mastiff are impressive - its weight reaches 50-70 kg, and sometimes exceeds a hundred. The minimum height of a mastiff is 70 cm at the withers.

Breeding of English mastiffs experienced three crises - at the beginning of the 19th century, after the First and Second World War.

Not lagging behind this breed and another mastiff - Spanish. It is believed that these dogs were bred in Phenicia, and merchants spread them throughout the world. Among the ancestors of the Spanish Mastiff are the ancient shepherd, hunting and guard breeds. Initially, these mastiffs were used as a farm dog. They guarded herds and farm fields. Also, this breed was in demand for hunting - large and massive dogs easily filled up small game and even wild boars and bears. But, despite the frightening appearance, the Spanish mastiffs are very affectionate and loyal to their owners. The minimum height of dogs of this breed should be 75 cm, and the weight should be about 50 kg.

Tiny handbag dogs

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One of the smallest breeds is the Chihuahua popular with fashionistas. This cheerful and loyal dog was bred in the Aitek and Mayan Indian tribes. These ancient peoples left many mysterious inventions, one of them was the breeding of a tiny breed. Chihuahua will not be able to please you with high intelligence, but it will become an excellent companion.

Chihuahua was named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua.

The Pomeranian is also a lap dog. He is about the same height as the Chihuahua, 16-22 cm at the withers. These cute creatures are very fluffy, so they look bigger than they are. The Pomeranian is of German origin, but the breed has been substantially developed in England. These dogs are very funny and playful, they get along well with children.

Another popular dwarf breed is the Yorkshire Terrier. These tiny dogs were bred relatively recently, in the late 19th century, by workers in the Yorkshire-Nottingham Coal Basin. Yorkies were used as rat-catchers, but now perform a purely decorative function. However, these dogs are quite intelligent and amenable to training.
