The education of a young horse, which is important for the safety of its owner, begins from the first days and continues throughout the dressage. In order for her to calmly react to the environment and obey the will of the rider, a series of sequential exercises are used, the purpose of which is to tame the horse to a person and accustom him to the conditions of detention, surrounding objects, sounds and smells.

Step 1
To make the horse easier to get used to communicating with people, one person should be involved in its upbringing. At first, you cannot be too demanding of her, since at first she will behave timidly and distrustfully, not understanding what they want from her.
To accustom a horse to itself, it must be encouraged and stroked. In the upbringing of a horse, the tone of voice is of great importance: you can calm it down with a calm tone, if it is afraid of something, praise it for its merits. By using a harsh, raised tone, the horse is warned of the punishment that will follow in the event of resistance.

Step 2
The development of feelings is one of the main tasks in the education of a horse. Her vision has to get used to new objects. A horse that spends a lot of time in the stable will gradually grow out of the habit of objects found on the ground. So that new smells do not frighten the horse, it is necessary to accustom its sense of smell to them. Elimination of fearfulness present in horses in the presence of harsh unexpected sounds is also worked through by gradually accustoming to them.

Step 3
It is helpful to hand-feed your horse with sugar, bread, or carrots to build trust and affection. Before entering the stall, the horse must be called out, encouraged with a voice. Upon entering, you need to iron it and give food. Outside the arena, it is better to drive the horse on a long rein, allow it to nibble the grass, wallow and approach the objects of interest to it.

Step 4
A young horse should be fed hay more often in small portions. To maintain the health and physical development of the horse, it is necessary to be outdoors as often as possible. She needs daily activities and wiring. To protect the animal from colds, it is necessary to keep it in light, spacious and dry stables, carefully clean the stall and provide it with abundant bedding.

Step 5
To train a horse to bridle and saddle, the equipment must be worn with care so as not to frighten the animal with harsh handling. In this case, the horse needs to be encouraged by voice and stroking.
Horses begin dressage after they get used to living conditions and get used to humans. Classes are held daily, gradually increasing the requirements and increasing the duration. If possible, it is best to conduct them in an open arena. A horse running towards home is very impatient and impetuous. A very important point in upbringing is its containment, allowing you to avoid unwanted habits.