Isabella Horse Suit: Features

Isabella Horse Suit: Features
Isabella Horse Suit: Features

The horse is an amazing animal. Her dedication, loyalty and kindness have become legendary. It seems that the horse is subject to everything: hard work, and sports, and hunting, and fierce fighting. But there is one more quality for which these animals are valued - their sometimes unique color.

Isabella horse suit: features
Isabella horse suit: features

Bucky and gray

The horse color can be very diverse: salty, and dun, and black, and bay. But isabella is considered the most valuable and rare.

In combination with a valuable breed, an Isabella horse can become a real living treasure. Considering the extraordinary rarity of this color and the extreme difficulty of breeding, it is possible to find the Isabella horse only in the stables of true lovers and connoisseurs of these animals.

Prices for the isabella suit are not fixed, but given their rarity and the highest demands of the owners, the purchase of such a horse can cost a fortune.

Royal color

The isabella suit is often also called cream, apparently because of the creamy shade of a delicate silky six. There is one more feature of Isabella horses. Unlike their relatives of any other suit, which have exceptionally gray skin, isabella or cream ones have pale pink skin, which is considered one of the main features, as well as blue eyes inherent only in them.

In addition to the truly isabella color, snow-white horses with green eyes are extremely highly prized as an extremely rare combination. But nevertheless, the main advantage of the isabella suit is not even an amazing color, but a fantastic, changeable brilliance, peculiar only to them.

Depending on the lighting, the coat of an Isabella horse begins to cast either a silvery, or a delicate milky, or an incredible pinkish tint. With all this, this truly royal suit is never found with admixtures of other colors. That is, it is entirely covered with uniform, one-color wool. Only the horse's mane and tail, as a rule, are one tone lighter than the body.

Miracle suit

Quite often, the isabella suit is confused with albino horses. However, the difference between the two is huge. This animal has its own unique color, in contrast to the albino, which has no pigmentation at all. Isabella foals are born snow-white, with pink skin, and only with age acquire their characteristic color.

Genetically, the isabella suit necessarily includes several types of ancestors. In the USA there is a term - cremello. It is understood as a special kind of horse breeds that have in their genetic code the heredity of red representatives.

The true isabella suit has two red ancestors in the family at once. For this reason alone, it has become one of the rarest and most expensive in the world. Because to make an isabella horse, you need to merge two exactly the same genes.

Such genetic parameters can only be found in the elephant, dun and palomino horses. It is only in their genes that a peculiar black pigment is suppressed by an especially strong cream-colored gene, which lightens it.

All these light shades can be found in the Akhal-Teke horse breed. For this reason, it is the Akhal-Teke horse of the Isabella suit that is relatively common.
