How To Catch An Otter

How To Catch An Otter
How To Catch An Otter

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The otter is a very valuable commercial fur animal. Catching her is a joy for any hunter. However, it is not so easy to catch this smart nimble animal. The main way to hunt otters is trap fishing.

How to catch an otter
How to catch an otter

It is necessary

  • - trap No. 4-5;
  • - a peg;
  • - cargo.


Step 1

Determine where the otter family lives. Usually the hunting area of the otter is very large - up to 15 km along the river. While hunting, the otter leaves large and wide footprints on the shore, which are difficult to confuse with any others. A chain of paired tracks can be seen on the ground as the otter moves in leaps. The most difficult thing is to find the place of the burrow itself, because the animal usually does not make tracks near it. Having got out of the hole, he immediately dives into the water, swims a certain distance, and only then gets out to the shore.

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Step 2

Choose a location for the trap. Usually hunters use such a biological feature of the otter: it arranges its toilet outside the burrow, specially going up to the shore. There is a lot of fish scales in the animal's droppings, so it will not be difficult to find the place of the toilet. Here you can set a trap, and there will be a chance to catch the beast.

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Step 3

Also set up traps near ice holes, near burrows, on beaver dams, in places of beaver outcrops that otters often use. This animal is strong enough, it will be able to escape from a small trap without any problems, so use trap # 4-# 5.

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Step 4

Place the trap in the water at a depth of about 30-40 centimeters, slightly mask it. Remember to tie it to a peg or string. You can also attach a weight to the trap, which will reduce the animal's resistance and speed up drowning.

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Step 5

Hide the metal cable under water so as not to scare the animal away. Otters are very smart creatures, if they smell some new suspicious object, they will never use this exit from the hole and will try to bypass the trap.

The otter is a beautiful, quick-witted animal. She is easy enough to tame and feels good in captivity. Recently, this animal has been very actively exterminated, in Chukotka they are almost gone. Don't kill this beautiful creature just for fun.
