How To Get Your Dog To Do Something

How To Get Your Dog To Do Something
How To Get Your Dog To Do Something

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If you are considering acquiring a dog, you need to think about how much time you have available to educate and train it. It is necessary to train the dog to follow the basic commands not only for comfortable communication with the animal, but in many cases also for saving the health and life of your pet. The very first and basic commands that the puppy must clearly learn: "forward", "walk", "place", "sit", "fu". To get your dog to do something, you need to know a few rules of training. Most importantly, never reward a dog with a treat for a command, otherwise it will only execute commands for a piece of its favorite food, which is completely unacceptable. Your dog needs to understand the change in intonation in your voice. The word "good" or "well done" can be a reward for the executed command. You can also gently pat the back of the dog's neck.

How to get your dog to do something
How to get your dog to do something


Step 1

Make warm contact with your dog. She must love you and trust you. Buy a metal collar and leash, the length of which should be two meters. This is required for training.

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Step 2

Teach the dog to sit command. First, walk with the dog in a circle. Then, in a rather loud and confident voice, pronounce the command "sit" and press with one hand on the lower back, and with the other raise the leash up.

After the dog has sat down, praise it with the affectionate word of your choice, which you will use throughout the course. It is advisable to teach this command at home, in an environment where nothing distracts the dog. Only after mastering this command, proceed to teaching the next one. With systematic training, this will take a week, maximum two.

The command should be pronounced once, loudly and clearly, and be sure to seek its execution. Otherwise, when pronouncing the command, pull the leash harder and press on the lower back. With persistent training, the dog will learn to follow the command you give.

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Step 3

Place command. Teach only after the learned command “sit”. Command "sit", bring your hand close and point down. Gradually achieve execution and move on to teaching the next command.

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Step 4

Forward command. Teach at home, in an unfurnished room, so that nothing distracts the dog. Walk with the dog around the room and say the encouraging word you have chosen from the very beginning of the training. For example, "forward - well done." In this case, the intonation should be different. The command should be given clearly and loudly, and the encouraging word - affectionately and with approval. This command will be auxiliary in the further training of the “side by side” command.

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Step 5

The "fu" command should be the most severe punishment for your dog. There are no other punishments. If something cannot be done, you need to pronounce "fu" in a sharp form and pull firmly on the leash. In the future, the dog should only respond to the command without jerking the leash. In this case, we can assume that the command has been learned successfully.

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Step 6

Walk team. You need to pronounce it in a joyful tone. It will mean the end of any requirement or the end of the lesson.

Whatever command you teach your dog, remember: the main rule is that the dog should not get tired. Classes need to be conducted for a short period of time (5-15 minutes), but regularly. This is the only way to succeed in the basic command training course.
