What Temperature Should Be In The Aquarium And How To Maintain It

What Temperature Should Be In The Aquarium And How To Maintain It
What Temperature Should Be In The Aquarium And How To Maintain It

In order to provide the aquarium inhabitants with comfortable conditions, it is necessary to precisely observe the temperature regime that will be optimal for them. Each type of fish has its own comfortable habitat temperature.

What temperature should be in the aquarium and how to maintain it
What temperature should be in the aquarium and how to maintain it

Some fish need relatively cool water, while others are more thermophilic. This must be taken into account when buying an aquarium, as well as when selecting different types of fish. Beforehand, it is imperative to make sure that they can coexist at the same temperature.

Optimum temperature for different types of aquarium fish

For the vast majority of ornamental fish, the optimum water temperature in the aquarium is between 22 and 26 degrees. First of all, you should focus on this temperature regime. However, there are exceptions. Some fish prefer warmer water in the aquarium. These include, first of all, some species of labyrinth fish and all discus.

Low water temperatures are more comfortable for goldfish. The ideal temperature for them is between 18 and 23 degrees. These fish can live at a higher temperature for a rather long time, but subsequently this causes them to develop various skin diseases.

Avoid sudden temperature fluctuations of more than 3-4 degrees. A smooth change is quite acceptable, but jumps that occur within one day, or even several hours, are very undesirable. This often happens in small aquariums - less than 50 liters. Such small volumes are very sensitive to changes in ambient temperature, they cool quickly and quickly heat up.

Opening a window for several hours during the cold season can cause a temperature change in the aquarium by several degrees. In this case, the fish may catch a cold. After which they will need special treatment. In the natural habitat, such temperature jumps do not exist, since large masses of water are rather slowly cooled and heated. Therefore, fish are not at all adapted to sudden changes in temperature, and in addition to diseases, this can cause stress in them.

Maintaining the temperature of the water in the aquarium

Various types of heaters are used to maintain a constant water temperature in the aquarium. The temperature regime is monitored using thermometers. If the temperature fluctuations in the room exceed 4-5 degrees, it is advisable to use heaters with automatic temperature control, which allows you to maintain a constant set temperature.

It is important to distribute the heat from the heater evenly throughout the aquarium. To do this, the heater must be flushed with water or air bubbles coming from the filter and compressor, so that the heated water is distributed throughout the tank.
