Many animals have a great deal of responsibility to create a family and continue their kind. But, as in the human world, among beasts, fidelity is the exception rather than the rule.

Step 1
Swan couple - a symbol of eternal love and devotion
Thanks to the wild relatives of domestic geese, people have the expression "swan fidelity", meaning strong marital ties, not subject to years or separation. A swan, once and for all choosing a soul mate, will never confuse her with anyone. He will not leave her if she is sick or wounded, there will be no quarrels and betrayals in a couple. Moreover, even grown-up children, as a rule, do not leave under the parental wing, but continue to live together. Bird watchers claim that not only are white breeds so monogamous, but so are their black brothers.
Step 2
Gibbons that live in the forests of China, Burma, on the islands of Indonesia, live in married couples or families that include adult animals, young, sometimes elderly parents. Relations in the group are quite friendly, because a family for gibbons is a serious thing. They form it once and for a long time. Usually, at the age of 7-8 years, individuals reach sexual maturity, and the period of choosing a suitable pair from neighboring families begins. Then there is a long period of courtship, and, finally, with the consent of the female, a new family is created. Pairs of gibbons live together all their lives, never break up. Moreover, according to zoologists, equality reigns in the relations of these animals.
Step 3
Black vultures
These birds also belong to the monogamous representatives of the animal world, they form pairs for a long time, often for life. During courtship, partners fly side by side, synchronously performing dizzying pirouettes, while they emit a kind of scream. Black vultures can not only boast of their loyalty, but they are also capable of punishing an offender who has stumbled at least once. We can say that they are literally chasing a vulture who intended to change his half.
Step 4
Wolves - heroes of fairy tales
In fact, it is in vain that wolves are presented in Russian fairy tales as evil and stupid animals. These representatives are distinguished by their loyalty and decency. A male can only have one female for a lifetime. The family (pack) of wolves often consists of parents and children who live together all their lives.
Step 5
Steppe voles
Most rodents prefer polygamy, but the steppe voles differ in this respect from their relatives. They form families that often do not break up throughout their lives. Their pattern of behavior in relationships is very similar to that of humans. They help each other by sharing the responsibilities of nesting and raising offspring.