What Magical Abilities Do Animals Have?

What Magical Abilities Do Animals Have?
What Magical Abilities Do Animals Have?

Scientists have proven that animals have a very highly developed perception. That is why they are prone to extrasensory perception. The magical abilities of our smaller brothers are confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments.

What magical abilities do animals have?
What magical abilities do animals have?

In the 20th century, French scientists observed the telepathic communication of snails. The gastropods were paired up. A little later they were separated and placed in different rooms. When the experimenter began to give an electric shock to one of the snails, the other behaved exactly the same at a distance, that is, gave a reaction to the current. Unfortunately, these studies have not been continued by other scientists.

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A little later, researchers from France decided to identify extrasensory abilities in mice. They placed them in a cage that consisted of two compartments. The floor of the cage was equipped in such a way that an electric current could be supplied. An electrical discharge was sent to one of the compartments. Mice, anticipating danger, chose the part into which the current did not pass.

Magical abilities have also been found in dogs. For the study, scientists invited a man with his pet to the laboratory. The animal was placed in one room, the owner was asked to go to another. At that moment, a dog handler was working with the animal. The man began to show images that evoke various emotions. At the sight of a joyful child, the man on the street had a smile, at that moment the dog relaxed. When the owner was shown the fire, he tensed. The dog handler noted that the dog had become very alert. At the sight of the image of people dying from hunger, the man felt fear and pity, his pet, feeling the experiences of the owner, broke free and ran to look for his loved one. Thus, scientists have established that dogs are very good psychic abilities, because it is not in vain that they feel an approaching disaster at a distance.

Researchers have proven that the cat has magical powers. This animal, like many others, anticipates an earthquake. The thing is that pets detect electrostatic changes in the atmosphere. In addition, cats are able to sense the mood of the owner, to feel the human energy field. They are considered excellent healers and diagnosticians of the disease site, animals lie down on a sore spot and even take pain on themselves. It has also been noticed for a long time that pets protect the house and the owner from damage, the evil eye.
