What Kind Of Animal Can You Get

What Kind Of Animal Can You Get
What Kind Of Animal Can You Get

Pets living in a person's house create comfort, and also treat various diseases, teach loyalty and make people less lonely. Many adults and children who dream of a pet are often confused about the choice. But for some, their favorites become real talismans.

What kind of animal can you get
What kind of animal can you get

Common pets

Very often people have a cat in their house. This small animal removes negative energy, heals and soothes its owners. Despite the fact that these pets are by nature domineering, they love humans very much. In addition, your "purr" will save you from troubles and misfortunes.

Dogs also quite often become adored pets of people. They are loyal to their master, protect him and get rid of loneliness. Through regular walks, human health improves, and through training, self-esteem rises, self-confidence appears and leadership qualities develop.

If your family has children, a guinea pig or a hamster, a jerboa or a decorative rat will be the ideal pet for them. These animals are easy to care for. They will teach the younger family members to be considerate and caring.

Birds are suitable, first of all, for romantic and creative people. Songbirds become the talisman of the house and also purify the soul. The owners of such creatures, as a rule, are always cheerful and cheerful.

Fish attract good luck and wealth to their owner. According to the Feng Shui system, nine floating pets should live in the house, preferably eight gold and one black. And the aquarium should be placed in a certain place and kept clean.

What if you are allergic?

Hypoallergenic animals lack hair. If you are dreaming of a dog, the Chinese Crested and Mexican Hairless breeds will suit you. Due to the lack of shedding, they carry wool around the apartment less, and dust practically does not accumulate on the animals themselves. But there is one drawback: such a pet sweats more, so it needs to be bathed very often.

Cats that have hair, or none at all, also exist. The most common are sphinxes. Also, a person with allergies can settle a Devonian or Cornish Rex in their home.

If you decide to limit yourself to small animals, then the chinchilla is for you. This animal is completely hypoallergenic because it does not shed and does not have sebaceous glands. In addition, these "pussies" are very lively and friendly.

Rodents that do not have hair are quite popular now, for example, bald guinea pigs. Previously, they were considered exotic, but now they are increasingly found in people's homes. You need to take care of them in the same way as for their "hairy" relatives. But they need much more feed, because a lot of energy is spent on heating.

You can also think about the appearance of a turtle and reptiles in the house, for example, a chameleon or a lizard. They don't sweat, shed, or spread allergens. But, nevertheless, they require good care.
