What Kind Of Pet To Have A Family With Small Children

What Kind Of Pet To Have A Family With Small Children
What Kind Of Pet To Have A Family With Small Children

Almost every kid asks their parents to buy a pet. But before going to the pet store, you need to explain to the child that the animal is not a toy, it needs to be constantly looked after. It is also important to decide in advance which pet is ideal for your family.

What kind of pet to have a family with small children
What kind of pet to have a family with small children

You cannot have a pet impulsively, the desire of adults and children should be deliberate, because the pet will live in the family for many years. Be sure to take into account the habits and rhythm of life of the animal. For example, ferrets do not sleep at night, they can interfere with sleep and rest, and the dog requires constant attention.

Their children ask most often, but the dog is one of the most whimsical pets. She needs to be regularly walked and educated, someone should do this during the day. A dog is a great option for a responsible teenager, not a small child. You can get such a pet even if the parents take care of it.

Cats do not need to walk, but there will still be a lot of hassle: cleaning furniture and clothes from wool, cleaning the tray, getting rid of unpleasant odors, etc.

Birds are not as whimsical as dogs and cats, they only need to clean the cage, feed and pour water. A large selection of birds will allow you to find the perfect pet: parrot, canary, etc.

Rodents are easy to care for, they do not require much attention and are easy to care for. At the pet store, you can choose a chinchilla, a hamster, a rat, a Degu squirrel, a guinea pig, a ferret or a rabbit. They are affectionate, outgoing and fun, but their cages need to be cleaned very often.

If you have very little time to take care of your pet, it is better to buy an aquarium with fish at the pet store. Of course, they cannot be cuddled and touched, but even a small child can feed them, and parents need to clean the aquarium once every 3-4 weeks. You can choose a small container that will not take up much space, will make the atmosphere in the house calmer and more harmonious.

Perhaps the family will stop at exotic pets: ants (ant farm), cockroaches, a frog, a crocodile living in an aquaterrarium, or even a snake.
