Every year the ecological situation in the world is getting worse and worse. Various technological advances pollute the environment, and this affects not only humans, but also animals. Their number also tends to decrease. For especially rare animals, the Red Book has been established.

General information

The Red Book is a list of animals and plants that are under threat of complete extinction. There are regional, national and even international Red Data Books. Their primary task is to compile a structured inventory of rare animals and plants, and on the basis of this list, theoretical and practical methods will already be used to solve this problem.

Types and categories

Now the Red Book of Russia contains about 500 species of animals, which are divided into 10 categories:

Amphibians are the smallest of all categories. Among the representatives of this category, one can name, for example, the Caucasian toad, the Ussuri newt, the Syrian garlic.

Mammals - unlike the previous one, this category is quite numerous: it contains more than 80 species of animals: rodents (river beaver, tarbagan, yellow pied); predators (manul cat, red wolf, Caucasian otter); pinnipeds (seal, walrus); cetaceans (gray dolphin, porpoise, killer whale); equids (Przewalski's horse); artiodactyls (reindeer, bighorn sheep, gazelle); insectivores (Russian desman); bats (small and large horseshoe bat, giant nocturnal).
Mollusks - oddly enough, there are also quite a lot of them in the Red Book: various types of pearl mussels (Gladkaya, Daurian, Kuril), Horny stalk.
Insects - there are about 90 species in the book: Aphodius two-spotted, Bronzovka smooth, Caucasian woodcutter.
Reptiles - about 20 species and subspecies are listed in the book: Squeaky gecko, Average lizard, Striped snake.
Birds - this category is not the most numerous, but it has the largest number of species and subspecies, about 120: Dalmatian Pelican, Egyptian Heron, Common Flamingo.
Crustaceans - this category has 3 species in itself: Deryugin's craboid, mantis shrimp and Japanese crab.
Fish - more than 50 species and subspecies: fish (Kaluga, Sturgeon, European grayling), lampreys (Marine, Caspian and Ukrainian).
Worms - 15 species are listed in the Red Book, among which Zheleznyak, Transcaucasian Eisenia, Variegated aphrodite can be distinguished.
Among the most famous animals listed in the Red Book, of course, you can specify the Amur tiger, polar bear, cat Manul.