Due to natural factors and human activities, a number of animal and plant species are on the brink of extinction. Their complete list is contained in the Red Book, which is regularly updated.

Step 1
Find the printed version of the Red Book. Since the list is regularly updated - some types are deleted from it and others are added - it is necessary to check with the most recent publication. The first Red Data Book was published in 1963, and new editions are published almost every year. Also keep in mind that there are separate red books for different countries and even regions. For example, separate red books are published for the Samara, Smolensk regions, as well as the South Urals. In such regional books, endangered species can be included, the danger for which does not exist on the entire planet, but in a specific area. Editions of the Red Book can be bought in stores, as well as studied in city libraries. Such literature is usually located in the sections devoted to biology or ecology, but this publication can be quite expensive.

Step 2
Check out the electronic version of the Red Book. Its various editions are featured on biology and environmental sites. But in this case, you run the risk of being pushed with outdated or incomplete information - due to copyright laws, the latest editions of the Red Book are often not available on Internet resources.

Step 3
Use the official pages of the Red Book on the Internet. Almost every regional publication of this kind has them. Usually, you cannot find the full-text version of the book on them, but you can familiarize yourself with the general list of animals. You will also be able to get information to what extent the species is at risk of extinction - groups of animals that remain only in captivity are distinguished, which are in extreme and moderate danger.
Step 4
If you find any animal in the Red Book, please note that it is under the special protection of the state. Hunting is prohibited on it, individuals cannot be caught and transported abroad.