Even in antiquity in Japan, a variety of aquarium fish Oranda was known, which is also called the red cap. This fish belongs to the helmet-shaped breeding form of goldfish. The body is ovoid, the length is up to 23 centimeters. The fish got its name for the fat build-up, which is located on its head. The more growth on her head, the more valuable the fish.

Little Red Riding Hood is an aquarium fish, it is quite gentle and capricious. The ideal temperature for her is 18-24 degrees. Oranda is a clumsy and large fish, so one pair of individuals should be kept in a 100 liter aquarium. The fish easily gets along with non-aggressive neighbors.
Red caps can be fed with live food or plant-based supplements, substitutes. If the oranda feels uncomfortable (starving or cold), then the cap on her head may simply disappear.
From plants it is better to choose elodea, kabomba, vallisneria. Discard sharp stones - the fish can get hurt. Use coarse sand or pebbles as a substrate, this type of fish is very fond of digging in the ground.
Install powerful aeration and a biofilter in the aquarium, because Little Red Riding Hood is sensitive to a lack of oxygen in the water. Do a 25% water change weekly.
In two years, the fish becomes sexually mature. To reproduce the oranda, plant several males and one female fish in a separate container, after a while fry will appear - as they grow, they must be transferred to one aquarium.
Little Red Riding Hood can live up to 15 years under good conditions.