Are There Poisonous Species Of Spiders In Russia?

Are There Poisonous Species Of Spiders In Russia?
Are There Poisonous Species Of Spiders In Russia?

Spiders are the largest order of arachnids. Absolutely all of them are predators, many of them are poisonous and extremely dangerous to humans. Some poisonous spiders inhabit the territory of Russia, and not only its southern outskirts.


Dangerous arthropods of southern Russia

How spiders weave webs
How spiders weave webs

On the territory of the Russian Federation, poisonous arthropods in the bulk live, as one would expect, in the southern regions of Russia, but in abnormal heat they can migrate to the north. The most dangerous is karakurt, most often found in the Astrakhan, Volgograd and Orenburg regions, as well as in the North Caucasus. Karakurt, also known as the steppe widow, is a medium-sized spider with a black body and red spots on its belly.

The bite of this insect is extremely dangerous and causes unbearable pain throughout the body. If assistance is not provided on time, even a lethal outcome is possible. It is possible to save the victim only by introducing a special anti-caracourt serum, and to alleviate suffering, novocaine or calcium chloride is injected intravenously.

It is worth noting that it is the female karakurt that poses a danger to humans, which can be recognized by the pattern on the belly, reminiscent of an hourglass.

Another dangerous spider, characteristic of Russian latitudes, is the South Russian tarantula, aka misgir. Its bite is not as dangerous as a karakurt bite, but it also causes severe pain and causes severe allergic reactions and swelling on the affected skin area.

The South Russian tarantula has a hairy body up to 25 mm in length in females and 30 mm in males. The color of the abdomen is brown-red, below it is almost black. The habitat is quite wide: tarantulas are widespread in the steppe and semi-desert zones of Russia, and mizgiri were also found off the coast of the Volga, in the Saratov, Oryol and Kursk regions.

Poisonous spiders in the middle lane

The most popular types of arthropods
The most popular types of arthropods

Heiracantium is recognized as the most poisonous spider in central Russia. This arthropod has a slightly elongated light yellow body and prefers to hide under the leaves of shrubs and low trees. He can only sting on the defensive. The bite can cause nausea and headache, but symptoms disappear after a couple of days.

Dogs are insensitive to the poison of heiracantia.

The most common venomous spiders, characteristic of the temperate climatic zone, are spiders and netters. The crosses got their name from the pattern on the abdomen, formed from many specks and resembling a cross. Their size reaches 25 mm in length. The crosses belong to the orb-web family and weave a large radial web.

Mesh is the popular name for one of the subspecies of the cross: they are slightly smaller in diameter, and their web is more chaotic. These spiders are also not dangerous in themselves and only attack in case of danger. If they sting, they can infect, so in case of a bite, you need to see a doctor.
