How To Recognize A Poisonous Spider

How To Recognize A Poisonous Spider
How To Recognize A Poisonous Spider

Spiders are one of the most ancient creatures on the planet, they belong to the order of arthropods. Almost all species of individuals are poisonous, since poison is their main hunting weapon.

How to recognize a poisonous spider
How to recognize a poisonous spider

Most venomous spiders have small fangs that cannot bite through the skin of a person or a large animal, so they only pose a threat to insects. It is important to distinguish between spiders, the bite of which leads to serious illness or death of a person. Such individuals do not have common distinctive features, therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between them in appearance and in the peculiarities of the action of the poison.

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Poisonous spiders

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Karakurt is a spider with a black body and red spots on the abdomen. Individuals of this species are among the most venomous in the world. Their bite most often entails death, but they themselves attack only in cases when they are disturbed. The bite wound is subtle. In the beginning, local symptoms appear: burning pain, redness, "goose bumps". Then the general condition worsens, there is severe sweating, chills, headache, nausea, choking, muscle spasm. A bite reaction usually develops within the first few hours.

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The tarantula has a gray-brown body color, so it is difficult to distinguish in natural conditions. The spider lives in the steppes and is active only at night, when it goes hunting. His bite does not lead to death, as many people believe, and does not have serious consequences. The main symptoms are itching and severe pain. From unpleasant symptoms, an allergy can develop, and as a result of it, shock.

Hermit spider

This species is extremely toxic to humans. The recluse spider is usually brown or dark yellow in color, the legs are rather long relative to the body. He lives in Australia and the United States. This type is dangerous in that it is practically invisible, and its bite causes symptoms only on the second day. Itching and a noticeable swelling appear, at the site of which an ulcer gradually develops. The deep layers of the skin are affected, the temperature rises. In case of severe organ intoxication, a lethal outcome is possible.


The cross spider is a very common species. Its distinctive feature is a cross on the abdomen. It does not pose a mortal threat to a person, but it causes severe discomfort. Bite symptoms: pain, burning, joint aches. The toxins are removed in about a day.

First aid for a spider bite

As soon as a spider bite is detected, it is necessary to call a doctor. Before his arrival, you can provide first aid to the victim. First fix the limb. A tire is suitable for this. Then the place above the bite must be tightened with a tourniquet. A potassium permanganate lotion is applied to the bite itself. It is advisable that the patient drinks a lot of fluids.
