Regular "marking" of the territory of the apartment spoils pieces of furniture, things, exterior decoration of walls and corners. The secret of special glands has a pungent and specific smell, which gradually permeates the room. To disaccustom a cat to mark territory, you need to be patient and try to solve the problem.

Step 1
Find out the reason - why the cat marks the territory. There are several reasons for this behavior of cats:
- reaching puberty;
- a change in the situation;
- encroachment on territory and rivalry;
- Difficulty urinating.

Step 2
Diseases of the urinary tract require urgent referral to a specialist, then there is a chance that the treatment will eliminate pain and discomfort, and the habit of marking will not have time to gain a foothold.

Step 3
Show the cat who is in charge. Animal instincts require hierarchy, so the cat tries to show that he is in charge of the house. He perceives the appearance of other animals as an attempt to reclaim territory and begins to mark, guarding his home. Try to convince the animal and prove to him that he is not the boss at all.

Step 4
“Talk” to the cat in his language. Immediately after you catch the cat leaving the tag, try to "negotiate". Do not hit the animal and do not shout at him, he still will not understand the reason for your aggression. Pick up the scruff of the cat and hiss at him, simulating the sounds of a cat hiss. At the same time, flick your fingertips on the cat's nose - not hard, but quite tangibly. Continue until the cat beeps. Let go of the animal and gaze intently into its eyes for a while until it looks away.

Step 5
"Move" the territory. Wash the marks thoroughly. The smell can be interrupted by persistent female perfume (if the owner of the cat is a woman) or with your own clothes. A sports jersey with a strong smell of sweat or dirty socks will work best.
Step 6
Repeat the manipulation. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wean the cat from tagging at once, so the manipulations will have to be repeated several times.
Step 7
Take preventive measures. The most effective way is the timely castration of the cat, which will help him to adapt to home conditions, not to experience stress and psychological discomfort.