Experts say that choosing a name for a horse is as difficult as naming a warship or finding a name that will ideally suit an unborn child. A horse's nickname should not only be euphonic. She must meet basic requirements and unwritten rules, which not every novice horse breeder guesses about.

Step 1
Basic rules.
A breeder, when choosing a foal's nickname, should not use the personal names of people (especially for public figures), registered trademarks without the appropriate permission. Also on the blacklist are obscene expressions. The nickname for the Oryol trotter is no more than sixteen characters, thoroughbred horsemen can be called a nickname up to twenty-seven characters long - everyone is supposed to know this.

Step 2
The specificity of the breed.
But for each breed there are more specific requirements, a set of special rules. Some are unchanged, others are subject to debate. For example, the Arabian breed or thoroughbred horse implies a nickname that begins with the first letter of the mother's nickname. Ideally, in the middle of the name is the letter of the father's nickname. In the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries, a foal could be named in honor of the mother (Bogatyr - the son of the Bogatyrka) or in honor of the father (Dogonyayka - the son of Catching up). Sometimes the name of the foal consisted of two syllables of the name of the mother and father. for example, Acceleration is the son of Rogue and Race. A good nickname denotes a connection with the genus.

Step 3
History of the issue.
Experts distinguish from ten or more semantic groups of horse nicknames. This may include the names of objects, concrete or abstract (Thunderstorm, Workbench). Place names can be implied (American, Hungarian). The foal could get a name by its nature: Chudila, Bedokur, Clever. Sometimes the horses' clicks sounded like spells or war cries (Fly away, Catch up). In general, the nickname was supposed to denote a relationship with some outstanding manufacturer, either declared the characteristics of the animal, or was a symbol of future victories and achievements. The latter was typical for the army, especially for the cavalry troops.

Step 4
Many experts note a disappointing tendency to give horses nicknames that balance on the verge of euphony and norm. The horse is a noble animal and far from stupid. It senses the emotions of others. And, of course, ridicule, swagger, and even aggression from the inhabitants will not benefit the animal. So in this case, not only the name, but also the life of the foal depends on the owner.