How To Vaccinate A Dog Correctly. Types Of Vaccines

How To Vaccinate A Dog Correctly. Types Of Vaccines
How To Vaccinate A Dog Correctly. Types Of Vaccines

Regardless of the conditions in which your dog is kept, there is always a danger of contracting rabies, plague of carnivores, leptospirosis. The only effective way to protect against these severe infectious diseases is through annual vaccinations.

How to vaccinate a dog correctly. Types of vaccines
How to vaccinate a dog correctly. Types of vaccines

Vaccination is the introduction into the body of a weakened or killed culture of the infectious agent (vaccine). After some time (from 7 to 20 days), the animal develops stable immunity for a certain period of time, after which the repeated administration of the vaccine (revaccination) is required.

What is immunity

The introduction of the vaccine causes a response in the body, as a result of which antibodies are produced that can destroy the causative agent of the disease. This is a kind of "rehearsal", "training" in case a live pathogen enters the body. If this happens, the previously developed immunity will instantly destroy the infection and prevent the disease from developing.

What diseases are vaccinated against

Rabies. A deadly disease caused by the Rabies virus. Transmitted by a bite from an infected animal, the incubation period is from 10 days to 3 months (sometimes up to a year). The virus infects the salivary glands, the brain and spinal cord, the nervous system, causes irreversible changes, resulting in death from cardiac arrest or respiratory failure (asphyxia).

Plague of carnivores (plague). A deadly disease. It is transmitted through absolutely any objects and surfaces on which the biological material of a sick animal falls. Areas of mass dog walking are especially dangerous. It can proceed very quickly and in an acute form.

Leptospirosis. A fairly common serious illness that can result in death. It is usually transmitted through contaminated water (ponds and even puddles) or through contact with sick animals.

Parvovirus enteritis. Severe viral disease in dogs. It is transmitted in most cases by contact with a sick animal. In some cases, they end in death (a special risk group is puppies and elderly dogs).

Types of vaccines


From the plague of carnivores, parainfluenza, infectious hepatitis, parvovirus interitis.


From rabies and leptospirosis.


From rabies.


From leptospirosis.

Puppy dp

For puppies (first vaccination). From the plague of carnivores and parvovirus interitis.

In Russian veterinary clinics, vaccines from several foreign manufacturers are used. You can get more detailed information about each of them from the instructions that came with the vaccine.

How to prepare for vaccination

10 days before the trip to the clinic, it is necessary to carry out deworming, i.e. "Etch the worms." Even if the dog has no suspicion of the presence of parasites, this procedure must be carried out.

Wash your dog the day before your trip. The coat and skin must be absolutely clean before vaccination, since a swab with alcohol is not used before vaccination (as is the case in humans).


Immunization should not be carried out:

- pregnant women (3 weeks before and after childbirth);

- sick, weakened animals;

- during heat.

How is vaccination carried out

The first vaccination is given to puppies at the age of 4-6 weeks with the "Puppy DP" vaccine, and after 3 weeks - "DHPPi". Rabies vaccination is done at 3 months.

Subsequent revaccinations are carried out annually, but it is advisable not to wait until the end of the term, but to carry out this procedure 2-3 weeks earlier.

Before the introduction of the vaccine, the veterinarian must examine the dog, measure the temperature. It is recommended to do it yourself (in the morning) before going to the clinic, as such a trip causes stress for the dog and a possible rise in temperature. Do not forget to report this and any other problems to your doctor.

Despite the fact that vaccines are in most cases well tolerated, some antiallergic agent, for example, suprastin, is previously administered to avoid possible side effects.

Next, the vaccines themselves are administered in different combinations, for example, DHPPi + RL, DHPPi + R + L. The doctor must strictly follow the instructions, use only disposable syringes.

If they try to vaccinate your dog from a pre-prepared syringe - refuse such dubious veterinary services! Demand that the syringe and ampoules be opened in your presence or change the clinic! Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the stickers!

After completing all the procedures, the doctor is obliged to paste the stickers from the used ampoules into the veterinary passport, put the date, stamp and personal signature. Make sure everything is done correctly!

After vaccination

For the first 2-3 days, do not wet the place where the injections were made, do not use anti-tick agents. Monitor your dog closely. In case of signs of malaise (lethargy, refusal to eat, fever, etc.), immediately contact the clinic.
