Absolutely all cats shed, and there is nothing strange about it. But the reasons can be completely different. Most often, seasonal molting occurs. It also happens that the cat has undergone some kind of stress or even got sick. If the animal lacks essential nutrients or vitamins, the hair will fall out. The same happens if the cat has a leukemia infection or hormonal imbalance in the body.

The owner of each cat should be prepared for the fact that in the off-season, scattered wool will be scattered around the apartment - the pet sheds. But if too much of it falls out, then this may not be entirely normal. Absolutely all breeds of cats are subject to the molting process, with the exception of only sphinxes, which do not have hair, so there is nothing to shed with. The reason is that when the new season begins, the animal completely changes its hairline, shedding the old one. Typically, in felines, this occurs in the spring, but domestic cats have a slightly disturbed seasonal rhythm, so they are prone to molting at any time of the year. Cats often molt after they have reared their kittens. Much depends on how well the conditions of keeping the pet are observed, whether it has enough vitamins. During molting, you should additionally look after the animal, especially if you have a long-haired cat. Brush your cat every day to avoid tangles. If your domestic cat sheds year-round and the coat sheds a lot, then there is reason to worry. This is most often due to the fact that the animal lacks nutrients: minerals and vitamins. A good coat requires omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The cat's body itself cannot synthesize them, so it can only get them from food. If you give her special food, then take care to buy one that would contain these substances. In addition, purchase a vitamin complex for your animal to support it. If the situation does not improve, and despite the fact that you feed the cat with quality food and give it vitamins, it still continues to shed, the reason may be that the pet has hormonal imbalance. Perhaps the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, or there is a problem in the gonads or adrenal glands, maybe in the cerebellum. The veterinarian will be able to determine the cause. Be sure to show your pet to your doctor and consult with him. Also, the stress that the animal is exposed to can serve as a reason for excessive molting. It is also caused by some diseases, such as lichen, leukemia, allergic dermatitis, parasites, pathogenic fungi and others. If you stroke a cat, and there are pieces of fur on your hand, then this is a pathological molt. The veterinarian will be able to find out what exactly is the matter. We can summarize. If your cat is molting, it is most likely seasonal molting. In the event that hair loss is delayed, take care to improve the pet's diet by adding the necessary vitamins and minerals to it. If that doesn't work, or if the shedding is too strong, it's time to see your vet.