Why Does The Cat Constantly Sleep

Why Does The Cat Constantly Sleep
Why Does The Cat Constantly Sleep

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Domestic cats are very cute creatures: they play and frolic, giving their owners real joy. As a rule, such active behavior quickly tires the cat, as a result of which she is forced to replenish the spent energy with the help of prolonged sleep. Some owners are seriously scared when their pet sleeps all day, believing that their cat is sick with something. Fortunately, this does not always turn out to be true!

Long-term cat sleep is a completely natural phenomenon
Long-term cat sleep is a completely natural phenomenon


Step 1

Some pet owners are seriously concerned about the behavior of their pets. It is about the excessive duration of their sleep. In fact, there should be no reason for concern here, since cats by nature spend the lion's share of their time in a dream. The period of burst of energy in representatives of the feline family is constantly replaced by prolonged naps or deep sleep. From the outside, it may seem that the cat is unwell. If this is true, then there will be other symptoms indicating health problems for the pet: general lethargy during the waking period, refusal to eat, dry nose, etc. In this case, the animal must be shown to the veterinarian.

Step 2

If the above symptoms are not observed, and the cat after waking up is vigorous and energetic, eats well, plays with the owner, then there can be no cause for concern. Prolonged cat sleep is a completely normal reaction of the animal's body to the constant muscle loads it experiences during wakefulness. In addition, sleep compensates cats for a significant increase in body temperature during some kind of physical activity. As you know, passive rest has a beneficial effect on the body, and cats are no exception! Indeed, sometimes in one day an animal can endure so much fear that only a healthy and sound sleep will help him to calm down. By the way, it is not recommended to wake up the cat by interrupting its rest.

Step 3

Scientists argue that representatives of the feline family can rightfully be called champions of dreams. The fact is that the duration of their sleep is from 16 to 18 hours a day! Curiously, the rest of the time cats can just as well fall into a light nap. According to scientists, such a phenomenal ability to constantly sleep is explained very simply: felines are very active animals, the metabolism in their bodies is very fast, which forces them to spend a large amount of energy, which, in turn, has to be constantly replenished with sleep. That's all the explanation.

Step 4

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a constant and prolonged cat's sleep is a completely explainable phenomenon inherent in these animals by nature itself. You should not wake up cats during their active sleep, since not fully replenished energy can cause the animal to become irritable and result in very aggressive behavior towards its owner. Scientists who have studied the behavioral nature of these animals have noticed that cats that are regularly prevented from replenishing their strength with healthy sleep begin to suffer from a nervous system disorder. This, in turn, leads to certain disruptions in their body. Therefore, there is no need to be surprised at this: cats sleep as much as they need!
