How To Calculate Your Cat's Due Date

How To Calculate Your Cat's Due Date
How To Calculate Your Cat's Due Date

Cats are the most numerous tribe of domestic animals, they can be found in many families of townspeople, and the owners of country houses keep, at times, several fluffy favorites. Pregnancy in those cats that live in apartments is, in most cases, planned, but there are also cases when the cat went on a spree without the participation of the owner and it is necessary to determine the due date by indirect signs.

How to calculate your cat's due date
How to calculate your cat's due date

Is your cat pregnant

Even planned mating may not end with pregnancy, so it is important to determine if the date was fruitful and if your cat is going to become a mom. The gestation period in cats is 9 weeks, but as always in wildlife, a deviation of several days is the norm. In cats, this can be 5 days both in one direction and in the other direction. In cats with short hair, pregnancy lasts less - 58-68 days, in long-haired cats - 62-72 days. A lot depends on how many kittens the cat will give birth to. If there are 1-3 kittens, she will walk longer than when there are 5 or more kittens. Conception usually occurs within a day or two after coverage.

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how to give birth to cats

There are no special pregnancy tests for pets yet, so the only indicator in the first couple of weeks is toxicosis behavior, like in an ordinary woman, she can vomit for several days, but this condition in cats goes away quickly.

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How to give birth to a cat

You can visit a veterinary clinic equipped with an ultrasound machine two weeks or a little later after the intended mating and check the cat for pregnancy. From the end of the 2nd week, kittens' embryos can already be seen on the monitor screen.

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When the cat gives birth

There are many sites on the Internet where calendars are given, in which the day of mating is indicated in one column, and the expected day of birth in the second. But you can predict it yourself with greater accuracy by observing how the pregnancy progresses.

How do you know if a cat is pregnant?
How do you know if a cat is pregnant?

Usually within 4-6 weeks, you will already know that the cat is expecting an addition by her appearance. Her nipples acquire a pink tint and may begin to peel off, the belly becomes noticeable and increases every day. At this time, you can visit the veterinarian so that he, even with the help of palpation, determines the approximate number of kittens. It is better not to crush the cat yourself, so as not to damage it.

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After 7 weeks, placing your hand on the cat's belly, you can feel the movement. At this time, the animal sleeps a lot and often visits its tray, eats and drinks a lot. Before giving birth, in 2-3 days, the abdomen "sinks" - it shifts to the hips and looks slightly saggy, discharge appears, the nipples swell and a white liquid is also released from them. The cat begins to look for a secluded place, make it easier for her by equipping a box and putting soft warm rags in it.
