The ability to inject yourself is useful if the pet is shown a course of drugs or needs emergency assistance. Daily trips to the clinic are not always available, it is better to give the dog an injection in the usual conditions.

Step 1
Prepare the syringe with the solution. Take insulin syringes - a thin needle will reduce discomfort.
Prepare powder preparations sequentially:
- You draw the liquid for the solution into the syringe, release the air until a drop of the medicine appears at the tip of the needle.
- Inject the solution into the medicine vial, piercing the rubber stopper with a needle, release the liquid and shake the mixture thoroughly.
- Turning the bottle over, take the prepared solution into the syringe, slowly pulling out the plunger.
- Check the absence of air in the vial by pressing the plunger of the syringe until a drop of medication appears at the tip of the needle.
Secure and prepare the dog. Position the animal so that its head is on your right hand, be sure to wear a muzzle. The preferred position is lying on your side. Enter the drug.
Step 2
Intramuscular injection
You can inject into the thigh of the hind limb. Pat lightly and then pat the paw you want to prick. Spread the fur and treat the injection site with alcohol. Holding the paw by the lower leg, carefully insert the needle to a depth of 1 cm, positioning the syringe perpendicular to the skin surface, and slowly push the plunger to release the medicine. If you give the dog an injection too deep, then blood will appear in the syringe - in this case, you need to change the injection site and repeat the procedure.
Step 3
Subcutaneous injection
The injection is performed in the area of the withers. After spreading the fur and disinfecting the injection site, fold the skin with your hand and quickly insert the needle into its base. After injecting the drug, remove the needle and gently massage the skin for a minute. To reduce the absorption time of the drug, you can make an injection heated to 38.5 with the drug (if this does not contradict the instructions). Praise your dog and give him a favorite treat.