If your veterinarian prescribes a course of injections for your cat, you can take your pet to the clinic a couple of times a day to do the necessary procedures there. But it is much easier to master the art of acupuncture on your own. By learning how to give injections correctly, you will save your cat from unnecessary stress, and yourself from additional expenses. It is better to start with the simplest injections - subcutaneous.

It is necessary
- - several syringes with fine needles (insulin or children's);
- - preparations for injection;
- - plaid;
- - a treat for a cat.
Step 1
Prepare everything you need for the injection. Open the vial or ampoule with the medicine, if necessary - mix the components for injection according to the veterinarian's recommendation. Lay out the vials, syringes (it is better to have a spare one) so as not to accidentally overturn them.

Step 2
Draw the medicine into the syringe, adjust the amount according to the prescribed dosage. Be sure to release air from the syringe.

Step 3
Place your cat on the floor or sofa. With your left hand, take her by the withers, slightly pressing down. Pull the skin of the withers while holding the cat with your elbow. Take the syringe with your right hand and insert the needle parallel to the surface on which the animal is standing. Introduce smoothly, firmly, no more than 1/3 of the needle. Make sure to get under your skin.

Step 4
Slightly loosen the grip of the withers and slowly release the medicine. If the coat becomes wet, it means that the liquid does not get under the skin. Take a new portion and repeat the injection.

Step 5
If you are in doubt that you can handle the cat alone, bring in a helper. He must take the animal previously wrapped in a blanket on his knees, fixing it firmly. You give the injection as described above.

Step 6
Don't panic if your cat gets nervous. Calmly finish the procedure. Sometimes it is not so much the puncture itself that is painful as the medication you inject.
Step 7
Run your hand over the fur, making sure the medicine does not leak. This means that the injection was made correctly. Let the cat go, treat her to a treat.
Step 8
If your cat is prescribed a course of injections, it is best not to give injections in the same place. You can use the entire surface of the animal's body from the neck to the ribs. The main thing is to properly pull the skin.