Cats decorate with their grace the home and human life. Unfortunately, sometimes beloved pets get sick and require attention, care and veterinary skills of their owner. For some diseases, it is necessary to carry out a course of treatment using droppers, and if you do not have the opportunity to go to the veterinary clinic every day, you can carry out all the procedures at home.

It is necessary
System for intravenous administration of the drug, disposable diaper
Step 1
It is quite difficult to put an intravenous drip on your own; this requires at least a certain skill. Therefore, if your cat is prescribed IVs, immediately ask for an intravenous catheter to be placed in the veterinary clinic. It will allow you to administer IVs to your cat yourself, without additional puncture of the vein. Please note that the catheter cannot be in the vein for more than five days; after this period, it must be changed.

Step 2
Prepare a spot where you will drip the cat. This is best done on a table. Prepare a disposable diaper, as animals can pee during the drip. Prepare a stock solution (usually saline or glucose solution), add drugs to it if necessary. Fill the syringes with the drugs that you will inject additionally during the procedure. Open the package with the system, prepare it for installation (close the roller clamp, for this move it down; remove the protective cap from the needle for the bottle and insert the needle completely into the bottle with the solution; fix the bottle about a meter above the table, squeeze the needle area several times to it is half full with the medicine; open the roller clamp and release the air so that no bubbles remain in the tubes).

Step 3
For a white cap, a dropper without a needle is connected to it. Open the roller clamp on the dropper and adjust the infusion rate (for a cat it is approximately 20 drops per minute). All additional drugs are injected into the rubber cuff of the system very slowly, while the drip is not blocked. When all drugs are completely instilled, close the clamp and disconnect the IV from the catheter, immediately screwing it in with the white cap. Wrap the catheter to prevent the animal from pulling it out of its paw.