Cats are great gourmets and can eat what they find tasty without even feeling particularly hungry. Over time, overfeeding leads to weight gain, which in turn is dangerous for the development of all kinds of diseases. Veterinarians advise putting overly large cats on a diet. How can I do that?

Animal lovers often pamper them, now and then slipping tidbits on their pet. When a cat or cat is recovering from excessively abundant and high-calorie food, the owners are only touched. In fact, being overweight is very dangerous for cats.

What are the risks of extra pounds in a cat?
First of all, for predators of the feline family, excess weight can be fraught with the appearance of problems with liver function, which can lead to urolithiasis and metabolic disorders. In addition to the liver, the joints of the animal and its cardiovascular system are under attack. If you want your cat to live a long and happy life side by side with you, make sure that her body weight does not exceed the norm.

How can you tell if your cat is over-fed? Run your palms along its sides - the ribs should be clearly felt. If the cat's tummy is not lean, but saggy and too large, and at the same time you are absolutely sure that the cat is not pregnant and healthy, then it must be urgently put on a diet.

A cat on a diet: how is it?
In the event that your pet eats balanced natural food and at the same time is overweight, you will have to make a willful decision to reduce its portions. There should not be food in the animal's bowl all the time - feed the cat two or three times a day, and do not react to the plaintive expression of its face and sad meowing until the time for the next feeding has come. After a few days, the animal will begin to get used to the new rules; gradually the volume of her stomach will decrease, and the weight will decrease.

What about those owners who feed their animals with ready-made food? Check with your veterinarian and ask him to recommend a food that is suitable for your pet, marked light. This is how pet food manufacturers label reduced calorie diets for overweight animals. You should not reduce the amount of the portion, because in the stomach of the cat the food pieces swell and make it feel full for a long time.

If your cat needs to lose weight, do not under any circumstances feed her forbidden foods from your table. All kinds of sausages, sausages, cheeses and fatty meats are not only harmful to all cats without exception, but also provoke obesity.
As your cat loses some weight, it will become more agile and playful, which will allow it to lose excess weight even faster. After the animal's weight returns to normal, monitor its diet and do not let your pets overfeed your pet.