Why Chickens Don't Rush

Why Chickens Don't Rush
Why Chickens Don't Rush

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Poultry farmers are often faced with a sharp decrease in the egg clutch in chickens, or even the termination of this process altogether. This can be provoked by both internal diseases and external factors. A correctly identified reason will allow you to take action in time and eliminate this problem.

Why chickens don't rush
Why chickens don't rush


Step 1

For about 2-3 months a year, hens are not capable of laying eggs at all. This is due to the natural renewal of the pen. During this period, a large amount of minerals is consumed for the growth of new feathers, the bird's body weakens significantly and it cannot lay eggs. To help the chicken, it is necessary to increase the amount of protein in the diet. To do this, you can give fish, meat processing waste, fish and meat and bone meal. And for a quick molt, you can reduce the daylight hours of the bird to 6 hours.

how to make chickens rush
how to make chickens rush

Step 2

If the hen does not lay eggs even after the end of the molting period, the reason for this may be a lack of vitamins and minerals in its body. Very often, the bird stops rushing when there is a lack of vitamin B12, which it especially needs after taking antibacterial drugs or stressful situations. And if the laying hen does not eat well, often jerks her head, sneezes or has tumors, she does not have enough vitamin A. Often, hens stop laying eggs after changing their usual feed.

How to increase egg production in chickens
How to increase egg production in chickens

Step 3

The productivity of the chicken also largely depends on adherence to the feeding regime, the quantity and quality of food consumed, and the air temperature in the chicken coop. So, you need to feed this bird three times a day at the same time. It is advisable to add crushed shell, chalk, shells, fresh vegetables and vitamin and mineral supplements to the diet. In winter, the temperature in the hen house should not fall below 7 ° C. Otherwise, chickens may lay poorly or not lay eggs at all.

how to feed chickens
how to feed chickens

Step 4

Another common cause of unproductive chickens is a viral disease such as decreased egg production syndrome (EDS). Its causative agent is a DNA virus that spreads through an egg and contact with sick individuals. Chickens of high-yielding crosses that lay eggs with brown shells are especially susceptible to this disease. With EDS, there is a sharp decrease in egg production, laying eggs with a softened, rough shell, as well as with white spots. A cure for such a disease has not yet been developed, however, special vaccines are used for prevention.