Unfortunately, it happens that domestic dogs get lost. They break off the leash or rush to hide, frightened by a pop or shot, or run away in pursuit of a cat. The owner's task is to quickly organize the search for his pet in order to return it home safe and sound.

Step 1
Post missing dog notices around the area. The ad must contain a photograph of the animal (preferably in color). Indicate the breed of the dog, color, sex, characteristic features, whether the animal was wearing a collar. Do not forget to leave your contact phone number so that everyone who saw the runaway dog can call you.
Step 2
Notify about the disappearance of familiar dog lovers. Your friends walk around the neighborhood for a long time with their pets, and if they notice your dog nearby, they will certainly inform you. In addition, they can catch it on their own, because they have experience with dogs.
Step 3
Be sure to contact the animal control service and find out if they have your dog. This must be done on the same day as the animal disappeared. Of course, there are norms according to which the animal must be in the aviary for several days, and only then it will be euthanized, but it happens that these norms are not respected.
Step 4
Contact an animal welfare organization or volunteers. Often, members of this organization pick up lost dogs and cats and look for their owners. Perhaps your dog is lucky to be overexposed by some animal lover.
Step 5
Advertise the missing animal in newspapers, social networks, city forums. You can also promise a reward to whoever finds a dog. This will encourage people to help you more actively. In addition, regularly review the information on the found dogs. Perhaps in one of the descriptions you will recognize your missing dog.
Step 6
Also post a missing notice at the veterinary clinic. If something happens to your dog during the time it is living on the street, it is likely that the people who picked it up will go to the veterinarian and see information that the dog is looking for its owner.