How To Find A Lost Cat

How To Find A Lost Cat
How To Find A Lost Cat

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For many pet owners, the loss of a pet is extremely stressful. They can be understood, because the animal becomes a full member of the family, without which the usual daily routine changes, and the free time, which was previously devoted to the pet, simply has nowhere to do. It is especially difficult for young children, for whom the animal becomes the most important part of their life.

How to find a lost cat
How to find a lost cat

It is necessary

Internet, acquaintances, announcements, free time


Step 1

First, there is no need to panic. When a person is nervous, he ceases to think sensibly and to correctly coordinate his actions. Moreover, a person infects others with his panic. You need to collect your thoughts and draw up a search plan.

how to look for cats
how to look for cats

Step 2

If the family consists of several people, the best way is to divide into groups. adult family members need to go around the nearest basements and attics, gateways and streets. If the cellars are locked, ask for the keys at the ZhEK. Most likely they will get into position and give the keys for a while. The first search failed - don't be discouraged. The animal could be seen by casual passers-by, or grandmothers on a bench near the entrance. Interrogate them, suddenly someone noticed a cat.

how to find a cat for a cat
how to find a cat for a cat

Step 3

The smallest family members need to be entrusted with less demanding work. Under no circumstances let children look for an animal in basements and attics!

If the house has a computer, have a child scan the pet's photos and print flyers with advertisements. If you don't have a computer, call someone you know who can help with this problem.

whether spayed cat cats
whether spayed cat cats

Step 4

If that doesn't work, place ads online or in your local newspaper. Usually there are many sites on the Internet where information is constantly updated. Perhaps your animal has already been found and sheltered by placing an ad. The most famous site about missing cats and cats i
