Household hamsters are one of the most beloved pets loved by both adults and children. In modern practice, it is very common to find several types of hamsters in homes. For example, Dzungarian or Syrian. The latter have a number of characteristic features.

The Syrian hamster is one of the most common pets. They are very unpretentious, clean, they are easy to maintain and feed. Even children will learn to care for a Syrian hamster. The color is usually golden, but cream and sand are found. Size 13-19 cm, weight from 100 to 200 grams.
It is convenient to keep these hamsters in a cage with a plastic tray. The cage must exclude the escape of the animal - hamsters are very nimble creatures. Sawdust is used as filler, but you can add some hay or paper to help the hamster build a house for himself.
The Syrian hamster will appreciate the running wheel and will spend a lot of time in it.
A variety of grain mixtures containing millet, oats, flax, barley, canary seed, legumes, and corn are used as feed. Do not mind eating a hamster green salad, carrot or apple. They don't drink much, but it's better to install a drinking bowl.
Sometimes you need to give cottage cheese, sour cream, a lean piece of meat. It is very useful for the life of the Syrian hamsters.
Syrian hamsters should not be fed with sweet, fatty, fruit pits, cabbage and food from the human table.
This species reproduces easily, but before deciding on breeding, you need to think about what to do with the numerous offspring.
Syrian hamsters can live quite calmly alone, they have enough communication with the owner, they rarely bite.
The life span of Syrian hamsters is two years.