How To Keep An Exotic Animal At Home

How To Keep An Exotic Animal At Home
How To Keep An Exotic Animal At Home

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Increasingly, in addition to traditional cats and dogs, people prefer to have more rare animals, exotic birds and reptiles, snakes, spiders, wild animals and even insects. Pet shops and special sites on the Internet offer pythons and monkeys, tarantulas and tiger cubs for purchase and home delivery. But right away you should not decide on such a purchase, because the maintenance of a rare animal requires special conditions.

How to keep an exotic animal at home
How to keep an exotic animal at home


Step 1

The purchase and maintenance of an exotic animal requires serious financial costs. A healthy and young rare animal in itself cannot be cheap. In addition to the cost of the individual itself, he may need special conditions of detention, the presence of space, a special temperature regime, and rare food. Find out from the breeders of this species about the cost of its maintenance per month and soberly assess your capabilities.

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Step 2

Try to find out as much as possible about the selected species. Familiarize yourself with the conditions of his living in the natural environment, the diet and the characteristics of the diet. Be prepared for food and treatment: not every veterinary clinic has a reptile specialist, for example.

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Step 3

Think about the safety of you and your family in relation to keeping this species. After all, spiders, snakes, and other reptiles can be poisonous, and predatory animals pose a serious danger without proper education and the necessary conditions of detention. A negligent attitude to this issue can turn out to be deplorable both for the exotic and for its owner. Refrain from acquiring a poisonous or predatory animal if there are children in the house. If you have other pets, consider if they can get along together.

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feeding newts

Step 4

Prepare a place for your pet in advance. Find out how much space he needs for his comfortable stay, he may have to give a whole room or build an aviary. If required, equip the place with climate control appliances.

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Step 5

If the desire to have a rare pet is strong, but you are not ready for difficult care, choose a type that is unpretentious and does not create much hassle in keeping. Having decided on the choice, for example, iguanas, choose the most common type of them. Information about your animal will be easier to find and more likely to get qualified help in case of problems.
