So the long-awaited vacation has come. The sea, sun and sand are already daydreaming. The mood is excellent, suitcase. Just what to do with your beloved dog? Do not leave her in the care of neighbors. If you do not want to part with a four-legged family member, you will have to tinker a little with paperwork and spend time clarifying the conditions for transporting a dog on an airplane.

Step 1
First, find out which airlines allow you to transport animals and what their conditions are.

Step 2
Then take care of the paperwork for the dog. You will need a veterinary passport, a certificate of the condition of the dog, which you can get at any veterinary clinic. The certificate is valid for three days, so take it last, otherwise it will lose its validity before departure. You also need a certificate stating that the dog is not a specimen of breeding value. Such certificates are issued by the SKOR and RKF clubs.

Step 3
Order a container (box) for your dog from the airline. If they don't have the right size, buy or make it yourself, but strictly according to the carrier's requirements.

Step 4
It will be better if this box is in your home. At least a few days before departure, teach your dog to be in this box every day. Start with a few minutes and gradually increase your time in the box. Remember to praise your dog and reward with treats. The container must correspond to the size of the animal: in height it must be 10 cm higher than the head of the dog, in width and length it must be such that the dog can freely turn around and lie down in it, stretching out its paws.

Step 5
Make sure there is drinking water in the box. It is better if it is a drinker attached to the wall of the container.

Step 6
Prepare in advance a collar, muzzle, leash. If your dog likes to play with some kind of toy, take it and put it in the box later. Use the muzzle only at the airport, be sure to remove it after placing the dog in the container. Do not attach your dog to the container with a leash.
Step 7
Place a sign on the container with the name of the animal and your contact information.
Step 8
Make sure the bottom of the container is waterproof and covered with a water-absorbent material.
Step 9
On the day of departure, take your dog for a good walk, it will be even better if it gets a little tired, then it will sleep longer on the plane.
Step 10
Do not feed your dog the day before departure.
Step 11
Get to the airport much earlier than the due date, as it will take time for all the checks and approvals. In addition, the airline may have a limit on the number of animals that can be carried on the plane at one time. Better if you are the first.
Step 12
Find out if your dog is allowed on the plane. If this is prohibited, you must ensure that the cargo hold in which the dog will be placed is heated.
Step 13
Remind the airline representative once again that a dog will be flying on the plane, ask him to make sure that the cargo hold will indeed be heated, that the dog will be in the most comfortable conditions.
Step 14
Ask a company representative or crew members if the aircraft cabin is in communication with the cargo hold. If so, use this chance to visit the dog during the flight, but arrange this with the staff first.