Interesting Animals: Noses

Interesting Animals: Noses
Interesting Animals: Noses

Video: Interesting Animals: Noses

Video: Interesting Animals: Noses
Video: 6 Animal Noses That Outsniff Dogs 2025, January

Nosachi are primates that can only be seen in South Asia on the island of Borneo. In ancient Egypt, these animals were believed to be special to the gods. The coat of the noses is brick-red, the breast and cheeks are lighter, and the legs are gray.


Socks are also called cohau. They belong to the monkey family of the subfamily of fine-bodied monkeys. The sizes of this species of monkeys are from 65 to 75 cm, and the weight of males can reach 22 kg. Females weigh half as much.

Distinctive features of the species of noses are considered to be a huge nose (hence the peculiar name of the animal). The nose is a kind of indicator of "status": males "in their prime" have a larger nose than youngsters, and the latter, in turn, have a larger nose than females. With their nose, males attract a suitable mate. It turns out that the main object of seduction of females for noses is their nose. This is awesome and unique.

In addition, the nose amplifies sounds: when the monkey is frightened, the blood rushes to the nose, and it swells, starting to act as a resonator chamber, which gives a kind of warning signal. This helps warn others of impending danger.

Noses feed mainly on leaves. Mating is initiated by females, and this can happen at any time of the year. Cubs are born after about 160 days. At birth, the muzzle is bluish, but soon it acquires a pink tint.

The decline in vegetation has had a detrimental effect on the number of these primates. Today there are about a thousand of them left. Therefore, the island government has imposed heavy fines for killing nosy and actively protects them.