What Do Cats Do When They Are Alone?

What Do Cats Do When They Are Alone?
What Do Cats Do When They Are Alone?

The domestic cat is an affectionate and graceful animal. Caring for her does not require skill, and communication is great pleasure. Murka expresses her feelings with behavior, gestures and voice, which makes it possible to understand her. When the cat is left alone, the owner's prohibitions no longer hold her back.

What do cats do when they are alone?
What do cats do when they are alone?

Cats consider themselves full-fledged owners of the home. Feeling freedom and protection from enemies, they go around all corners of the house. Animals themselves choose a place of rest, which does not always coincide with the desire of a person. The opinion of the owner does not bother the cat at all - it is on its territory. Left alone, the pussy sleeps everywhere: on the couch, on armchairs, on fluffy towels and on a soft rug.

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Knowing territorial restrictions, cats continue to persistently visit forbidden places. Particularly attractive is the cooking area - the kitchen. The aromas of cat delicacies - meat, fish, milk - which are elusive for humans, soar here. Fluffy fidgets do not bypass the cold stove - paw prints can sometimes be seen here as well.

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Every cat in loneliness wants entertainment. If the pet is confined by the walls of the apartment, he looks through the window glass with great pleasure. The cat listens to the sounds of the street, he is excited by flying birds, and he feels like a hunter. He remembers the clatter of pigeon claws and rushes to the window, ignoring the obstacles. The cat does not care much that there are flower pots or the master's seedlings on the windowsill. Prey is more important.

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Cats do not need to get food, because they live on full support. Therefore, their unused hunter instinct manifests itself in the game. When there is no way to catch real prey, animals adapt completely unsuitable objects for catching: curtains, flowers, open shelves with trinkets. If a cat does not openly demonstrate natural skills, this does not mean that she does not use them for play.

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The bored pussy swings the heads of fresh flowers with its paws, which usually ends with an overturned vase and spilled water. She also touches light objects, evaluating them by weight for a possible game. If such a thing is obtained, the cat will enthusiastically chase it around the house. So that she does not torment unsuitable toys, pick up special balls or soft mice for her at the pet store.

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Cats are very curious creatures. They are interested in everything new brought into the house. Things and objects, possessing an unfamiliar smell and shape, intrigue them. If an attractive novelty is stowed away in the closet, the animal will persistently seek to get inside in your absence.

Cats have a good memory. Seeing once shelves with linen, the animal remembers a cozy place to rest. Opening the door with a paw, the mischievous woman can sleep on fresh sheets while no one is at home. And cats also like to look down on everything. If there is a suitable shelf or wide TV, the pussy will gladly master this hill.

Natural instinct, which is difficult to put up with, is the destruction of upholstered furniture with claws. Knowing the reaction to this behavior, the Murka does not allow itself to do it in front of the owners. But unattended, she takes her soul away. It is useless to scold and punish - the animal does not understand this prohibition. Buy a handy claw point attachment and train your cat to use it. Do not spare money - a sofa is much more expensive. The cat does not obey anyone, but you can make mutual concessions that take into account common interests.
