Chihuahuas are native to North America. For the Maya and Aztec Indians, they were a kind of magical talismans, so each dog received a servant at his disposal, who had to look after and feed her. Now it is the most fashionable decorative breed. Despite the fact that it is the smallest dog in the world, it has a brave disposition, excellent watchdog instincts and excellent reaction. So what can you call such a miracle?

Step 1
If your dog is fearless, courageous and alert, then it can be called some formidable name. You can play in contrast: size - greatness. Names like Simba, Akella, Rex, Theodore, Bagheera, Diana will do.

Step 2
If your dog has a cheerful disposition, she is funny and peaceful, you can call her some funny name - Mimi, Sophie, Ronnie, Zephyr, Pie. The main thing is that the name characterizes your pet.

Step 3
Do you want to be original? Call your dog the nickname of some famous dog. Probably the most suitable names for a Chihuahua would be the following:
Avva - the dog of the good doctor Aibolit;
Azor - the name of a dog from the well-known palindrome "A rose fell on the paw of Azor";
Bimbo - Toddler's puppy from Astrid Lindgren's "The Kid and Carlson";
Bulka - the hunter's dog Bulka from "The Adventures of Dunno";
Waldi is the mascot of the 1972 Munich Summer Olympics;
Hector is the name of the dog from A. Christie's novel "The Dog That Doesn't Bark";
Delta is a dog that tried to save the child, its owner, and covered him with her body during the eruption of Vesuvius in 73 BC;
Dutik - a small white dog from the film "Chronicle of a Dive Bomber";
Zhuzha - a dog from the cartoon "The Magic Ring";
Kobe is the mascot dog of the Barcelona Olympics;
Milo - the dog from the movie "The Mask";
Donut - a little dog from K. Bulychev's book "The Last Dragons";
Reina - Chihuahua Jennifer Lopez and Chris Judd.

Step 4
Since the Chihuahua was a talisman among the Indians, you can give the nickname Lucky, Fortune, Vien, that is, the word "luck, luck" in various languages of the world. After all, as you name the boat, so it will float.

Step 5
If your dog is very pedigree and has a long pedigree, then the situation is a little different. The nickname will consist of two words. The name itself is chosen by the breeder and the prefix is added to it - the name of the puppy's mother. For example, Julie Dream. Sounds noble and proud. But not every dog will respond to such a long nickname. Therefore, it is better to call it something like home. The way only you will like it.