How To Treat A Budgerigar

How To Treat A Budgerigar
How To Treat A Budgerigar

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Budgerigars are quite fragile and delicate creatures. To protect them from disease, strictly follow the rules for care and feeding. But what if your parrot is still sick? Let's look at the most common symptoms of diseases.

How to treat a budgerigar
How to treat a budgerigar


Step 1

If the parrot began to sleep poorly, constantly sits crouchingly, there is a constant urge to defecate, most likely there is a blockage of the intestines. The reason for this could be improper nutrition: too fatty food, poor quality feed. To help your pet, add greens to his diet, chopping them finely beforehand. It is also very helpful to give the bird a few drops of castor oil with a pipette.

Step 2

If your parrot defecates frequently and is watery, avoid feeding greens. You need to add rice porridge or rice broth to the food, and give only boiled water, adding a little potassium permanganate until the solution is pale pink.

Step 3

If a parrot has discharge from the eyes with an admixture of pus, swelling and redness of the eyelids is observed, this means that your feathered friend suffers from vitamin deficiency. As a treatment, use food rich in vitamins: wheat germ, egg yolk, greens, fish oil, grated carrots.

Step 4

If a parrot has dry crusts of a gray-yellowish color, then this is the first sign of uric acid diathesis. To save the bird from this ailment, give mineral water as a drink, make the feed more saturated with proteins and vitamins.

Step 5

If the bird has too long claws and beak, carefully trim them with sharp scissors, being careful not to damage the blood vessels. To prevent this from happening, add fresh branches of trees and shrubs, for example, linden and mountain ash to the parrot's diet, so that the parrot's beak grinds down on its own.

Step 6

If there is a loss of parrot feathers, weight loss and inflammation of the eyes, then this means that the plumage is affected by parasites-chewing lice. Dry chamomile powder can help. Gently rub it into the plumage or make cold lotions from the broth.

Step 7

Spongy gray growths around the beak can be the result of a tick attack. Disinfect the cage, and treat the bird's beak with Peruvian balsam.
