Bison belong to the mammals of the artiodactyl order, the ruminant suborder, and the bovids family. These are very large living creatures, somewhat reminiscent of bulls. It is believed that the ancestors of these animals (Eurasian proto-bison) were originally from India.

The bison is a half-horned mammal, which is also called the American bison. These animals are referred to as tribes of bulls.
Bison outwardly are very similar to bison. There is a separate species of bison, called European, which are also referred to as bison. In nature, bison and bison can have offspring. In this regard, in some cases they are referred to the same species of animals.
The bison is a fairly large animal, its length can reach three meters, and its height can be two meters. The body of a bison is covered with hair, but the thickest and longest hair is located on the front of its body, namely the head and neck, creating the so-called mane.
Bison have a massive head with a wide forehead and hollow horns that are set apart in different directions and curl at the same time. The front of the bison is stronger than the back and is highly developed.
Bison have not very long legs, but they are very massive. These animals have a small tail with a tassel at the end, like a lion. Many scientists believe that bison are the same bison, only slightly modified. As for the color of these animals, usually the color of their wool is gray, black with shades of brown, sometimes you can find bison of light color or abnormal color. Bison are of two types: steppe and forest. Their main differences lie in the structure and fur.
These animals are common in the northern hemisphere.