Why Does The Water Quickly Become Cloudy In An Aquarium With Fish?

Why Does The Water Quickly Become Cloudy In An Aquarium With Fish?
Why Does The Water Quickly Become Cloudy In An Aquarium With Fish?

An aquarium is not only an interior decoration, but first of all an ecosystem that lives according to the laws common to all ecosystems. It is stable when there is a biological and chemical balance in it. Imbalance is immediately reflected in the appearance of the aquarium, and primarily on the quality of the water.

Clean water is a sign of balance in an ecosystem
Clean water is a sign of balance in an ecosystem

Why does the water become cloudy?

in the aquarium the water is cloudy what to do
in the aquarium the water is cloudy what to do

Clouded water in an aquarium is usually caused by the massive development of various bacteria. Where do bacteria come from? They, like other microbes, enter the aquarium with fish and plants. Their source can also be soil, fish food and even air with which water comes into contact. A certain amount of bacteria is always present in each of the elements of the ecosystem. In a certain amount, they are harmless to other inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, the water remains clean and transparent. You will certainly encounter a massive proliferation of bacteria two to three days after filling the aquarium with fresh water. This is due to the fact that in the absence of a sufficient number of other organisms, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly. Outwardly, it looks like a light whitish or pearlescent homogeneous dregs.

Bacteria multiply more quickly if there are plants and soil in the aquarium.


goldfish aquarium grows cloudy
goldfish aquarium grows cloudy

After another 3-5 days, the cloudiness disappears. This is due to the appearance of ciliates in the aquarium water, which intensively eat bacteria. There comes a moment of equilibrium of the ecosystem. Only from this moment can fish be populated into the aquarium.

Plants should be taken from a healthy aquarium.

Organic suspension

Why is the aquarium cloudy
Why is the aquarium cloudy

Cloudy water in an aquarium that already contains fish can be caused by organic matter. Suspension is formed from waste products of fish and plants, as well as with improper feeding and excess dry food. To combat suspension, aquarium filters are used, including biological filters, in which organic matter is actively absorbed by bacteria living on the filter material. Obligatory measures are also cleaning the bottom, removing dead plant parts, dead organisms, excrement.

Imbalance in the presence of fish

Rapid cloudiness of the water in an aquarium with living fish can also be a manifestation of imbalance and may be the first symptom of a disease in all ecosystems. For example, precede the flowering of water. In this case, the aquarium has a large volume; frequent complete water changes in it are impractical. It is easier to restore biological balance by adjusting the light regime and changing only part of the water. In large aquariums, biological equilibrium is easier to maintain than in small aquariums, but it takes longer to establish. Cladocerans (daphnia, moina, basmina, etc.) are good absorbers of turbidity, which, feeding on bacteria, themselves are good food for fish. Aeration and filtration of water should be considered a mandatory factor in equilibrium. Filters need to be cleaned regularly.
