What Types Of Fish Do Neon Fish Take Root With?

What Types Of Fish Do Neon Fish Take Root With?
What Types Of Fish Do Neon Fish Take Root With?

Neon fish are a very popular type of aquarium fish. In their natural habitat, neon fish prefer stagnant water or slow current. These are calm schooling fish, which are quite easy to keep at home. They are beautiful and unpretentious. You just need to know with whom the neon fish get along, otherwise larger fish may start to eat them.

What types of fish do neon fish take root with?
What types of fish do neon fish take root with?

Features of the content

Try to keep the conditions of keeping the fish as close to natural conditions as possible. That is, give up bright lighting, maintain a water temperature of 18-28 degrees. Create shaded areas.

Neon fish love a large number of hanging roots, living plants, stones, snags and other shelters. They often float in the water column.

These fish are peaceful, active and playful. They grow up to only 4 centimeters, they have a bright color, because of this, they often become prey for more aggressive fish. Therefore, it is so important to study which fish get along with neons. In addition, it must be borne in mind that fish like to live in flocks, so it is not recommended to settle many different individuals in one aquarium.

Neighbors for neons

Choose peaceful neighbors for neon fish. They get along well with bottom fish, for example, with catfish. They do not interfere with each other in the aquarium, each living in a personal space. Such a neighborhood will also be useful - neons usually eat food in the water column, without picking up the fallen one. Therefore, individuals are needed that live at the bottom, then the food will not pollute the water. For these purposes, a panda corridor is also suitable. Neons also get along with zebrafish, guppies, minors.
