What Breed Of Dog Is The Most Loyal

What Breed Of Dog Is The Most Loyal
What Breed Of Dog Is The Most Loyal

Dogs have a sense of loyalty and devotion to their owner. However, some breeds have such in an aggravated form. Several breeds of dogs can be attributed to this category.

What breed of dog is the most loyal
What breed of dog is the most loyal

Border Collie

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This breed of dog is characterized by maximum affection for its owners. Some other breeds recognize only one owner, and the Border Collie recognizes all family members. If there are children in the house, the collie will definitely make friends with them, reacting calmly enough to their pranks.

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German Shepherd

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According to many, the first place for a sense of loyalty to its owner should be awarded to the German Shepherd. Unlike the already mentioned border collie breed, most often they are not attached to all family members, but to a specific person. They keep loyalty and devotion to him throughout their lives.

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Labrador retriever

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This breed of four-legged friends is the most suitable for children. They have a gentle, kind and tolerant character, which allows them to get along well with all family members. A dog of this breed remains faithful to all the people around it. A Labrador will never run away from its masters. On the contrary, if he gets lost, he will make every effort to return home.


This dog breed was bred in France especially for hunting. Epanyol-Breton is very trainable. In addition, he is very loyal to his masters. It recognizes not a specific person, but all family members. The dog is ready to follow the commands of all those around it constantly.


The beagle has a character very similar to that of a feline. Therefore, it can be found in many families. Not aggressive, tolerant. The family in which he lives is faithful all his life.


Like German Shepherds, dogs of this breed choose their only owner. They remain faithful to this person until their death. The Boxer cannot be given into the wrong hands, because he becomes uncontrollable and aggressive, or dies of boredom.


The homeland of this breed of dogs is Hungary. They are very funny and have a sense of humor. Loyal to all family members. I like being in the center of everyone's attention.


According to some, dachshunds originated in Germany. They are jokingly called hot dogs because they have an elongated body. Dogs of this breed are playful and loyal.

St. Bernards

Representatives of this breed are muddies. But they are very loyal. Previously, they were even used as rescue dogs. St. Bernards love to please their owners.

Yorkshire terriers

This is a very cute breed of dog. They can often be seen at exhibitions. Terriers are not aggressive and loyal.
