How To Tame A Jungarik

How To Tame A Jungarik
How To Tame A Jungarik

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Unlike many of their fellows, Dzungarian hamsters lend themselves well to taming, they recognize their owners, feel their mood, and can help with household chores, sitting on their shoulders.

How to tame a jungarik
How to tame a jungarik


Step 1

In order for the dzhungarik to get used to you, it is important that your biological rhythms match. Since rodents are nocturnal animals, you must first transfer them to a diurnal lifestyle. So it will be easier to communicate with them later, when they begin to develop activity during the day, and sleep at night. To transfer from the night mode, put the lamp on until the morning next to the cage. You can also leave the radio running. At first, hamsters get confused about when to sleep and when to stay awake, but over time they will change their daily routine.

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Step 2

Dzungariki have a more meek disposition than other breeds of hamsters. In order for them to get used to you, first let them get used to the new conditions, start communicating with the hamster when he wakes up and crawls out of the house. Try to make your stay at the apartment comfortable at this time, there is no harsh light or unnecessary noise.

Step 3

First, start introducing your hand with a treat into the cage, the dzhungarik will understand that the hand is not dangerous for him, and will get used to it. If the hamster bites, be patient, first bring two fingers into the cage, as he gets used to you with the whole brush.

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Step 4

Take your hamster for walks on the bed, couch, or floor. When he has mastered a new space, bring your palm to him with your pet's favorite treat - a slice of apple, seeds or raisins. When he is already confidently taking the treat from his hands, start carrying it in the palm of your hand from place to place, so that he stops being afraid of moving around the apartment. Cover the dzungarika with your second palm so that your hands form a kind of house.

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Step 5

When the dzungarik is used to you, play a game with him - place him on one palm, attach the second to it so that he switches to it, as soon as he is on the second palm, transfer the first hand so that it is in his path. The game can be continued for quite a long time.
