Independence is a trait of many cats, but not all. Some representatives of the feline family enjoy contact with humans, but not always everything is so smooth. It is possible to accustom the cat to the hands, but not in all cases, it all depends solely on the animal. When accustoming a furry to your hands, do not go against his will, so you will not succeed, no matter how hard you try.

Step 1
Cats are very fond of delicious food, so act through his stomach. Feed the kitty with delicious foods: meat, fish and canned cat food, although they are recognized as not useful, but cats really like it. After eating, the cat's mood clearly improves, he begins to feel sleepy and he agrees to sit in his arms.

Step 2
Conduct affectionate conversations with the fluffy. Animals are very fond of listening to a person, from this they become smarter and more supportive, and most importantly, they understand that contact with people brings a lot of pleasure. Speak softly and not too loudly, and watch the cat squint and, perhaps, come into your arms.

Step 3
Never hit an animal, kitties are vindictive and they are unlikely to forget that they have been wronged. After that, it will be impossible to establish a friendly and trusting relationship. And with every attempt to pick up cats, you will feel the effect of sharp claws, which the fluffy one will surely launch into your skin. The maximum punishment for a pet is a light slap with a newspaper, but not on the body, but near the nose in a few centimeters.

Step 4
When a cat realizes that you are a friend, he will begin not only to come to you for food, but will also show true love, which many animals, not just dogs, are capable of. If this does not follow, leave the fluffy alone, he wants to - he will come, but no, then nothing can be done about it. Cats are different, just like people.