Dog training is performed with the aim of realizing its hereditary potential, organizing correct relationships with humans and other animals. A dog from puppyhood is ready to accept education.

Step 1
In the development of any dog, there is a need to master everything that is needed for life at an early age. Therefore, the beginning of the upbringing of the dog should take place precisely at the puppy age, that is, during the period of active development and formation of the psyche.
Step 2
Age 1, 5–5 months is considered the most favorable moment for raising a puppy. The dog is like an untouched sheet - just write in the knowledge you need. Don't delay parenting and training. Do not lead to subsequent behavioral adjustments. Get a dog handler consultation before the puppy arrives in your home. Especially if the dog belongs to working or fighting breeds. Before purchasing a puppy, consider whether you can devote several hours to it every day, for ten years.
Step 3
There is a statement that the animal will learn everything on its own! It is naive to believe that it was your dog that passed all the knowledge and skills genetically and should not be trained. If your puppy has an excellent pedigree, this will only simplify the task of training and education for you, but by no means will it exclude them.
Step 4
At the time of puppy development from 2 to 5 months, it is necessary to acquaint him with the greatest number of irritants at home and on a walk. So that the puppy does not have fear, walk with him in noisy and crowded places (avenues, markets, highways). Be very careful not to let the dog off the leash in unsecured areas until the pet has been trained in the commands.
Step 5
If the puppy is dependent on the owner and perceives him as a leader, you need to take advantage of this. It is recommended to form the puppy's need for an owner, the need for positive emotions (delicacy, affection) on the part of the owner and the need for play. At the same time, having brought up an indifferent attitude towards other people's dogs in the animal. To do this, you need to come up with all kinds of joint games and training with the puppy at home and in the yard. Your pet should be more interesting with you than with other people, then the dog will be willing to obey. Dog handlers will help you in this matter.
Step 6
Keep strangers away from your puppy. If from childhood the dog is accustomed to receiving positive emotions from people not from your family (play, delicacy and tenderness), then it will strive for them in the future.
Step 7
If your pet has already passed a year, this does not mean at all that training is already in vain, it just needs more time for education. This process will require a lot of patience from the owner. Try not to show bitterness towards the animal, encourage its success with words and delicacies. The dog will always be happy with such communication.