Basic Rules For Mating Cats And Features Of Their Preparation

Basic Rules For Mating Cats And Features Of Their Preparation
Basic Rules For Mating Cats And Features Of Their Preparation

Before mating a cat, the owner must carefully study the intricacies of this process. It is necessary to prepare the pets themselves, the habitat, guess the right time for successful mating.

Before mating a cat, the owner must carefully study the intricacies of this process
Before mating a cat, the owner must carefully study the intricacies of this process


Knowledge of the intricacies of puberty will help to accurately determine the pet's readiness for mating. A cat's first estrus occurs 6-7 months after birth. During this period, the behavior of the animal changes. The cat begins to meow heart-rendingly, bends its back and lifts its tail up, rolls on the floor, can show aggression. Puberty of cats occurs at 7-8 months. Cats from affectionate and fluffy lumps turn into an adult, they can mark the territory. This period is ideal for neutering the cat, but not for mating, as the reproductive system is still in its infancy. This is also the case with cats. It is better to introduce a cat to a cat at the age of 1, 5-2 years. This period is the most favorable, because sexual partners have already been formed.

Finding a mating partner

It is necessary to look for a cat for mating in advance. A suitable candidate can be found at cat shows, in clubs. If the owner initially planned to mate his ward, then drugs that reduce sexual desire should not be abused. If taken incorrectly, hormonal disruption can occur, polycystic disease and other diseases can develop.

Preparing for mating

Before mating, the cat and the cat must undergo a medical examination to detect infectious, fungal, viral diseases. If worms are found, deworming should follow. Before mating, the owners need to trim the claws of their pets so that they cannot injure their partner. It is not necessary to wash the cat before a responsible event, so as not to discourage the smell attractive to the cat.

Traditionally, a cat "comes to visit" the cat 3-5 days after estrus. Some breeds will ovulate on day 9, so you should consult your veterinarian. On its territory, the cat feels more relaxed, and the mating process will take 1-2 days. In the first hours, the cat can hide in a corner, behave aggressively. This is a normal reaction. You need to wait for the animals to get used to the unusual environment and sniff each other. The owner should take with him a bowl for the cat, her toilet and a carrier in which she can hide.

Mating process

Flirting with a cat indicates that the cat is ready to mate. Mating lasts only half a minute. At this moment, the cat purrs loudly, and the cat screams, provoking the release of the egg. With a successful outcome, fertilization will occur within 24 hours. Mating can be repeated 5-8 more times until one of the partners gets tired of it, so it is better to leave the cat at a party for a couple of days. After mating, the behavior of pets changes. The cat rolls on its back on the floor, and the cat goes to a secluded place and diligently licks itself.
