Where Do Ticks Bite?

Where Do Ticks Bite?
Where Do Ticks Bite?

Not so long ago, ticks seemed like a curiosity and were found mainly in the taiga. Today these parasites have moved to our cities. Where you can most often find a tick on your body and how dangerous its bite is - everyone should know.

Where do ticks bite?
Where do ticks bite?

Tick activity occurs in the warm season - from the end of spring to the very autumn colds there is a risk of getting a dangerous bite of this insect.

The danger lies not so much in the possibility of a bite, but in an untimely discovered place where the tick has sucked. And if the visible parts of the body are carefully checked, then under the folds of the knees or in the folds of the chest, the risk of not noticing the tick is very high.

Tick bite

A tick bite carries the risk of contracting encephalitis. And the longer an insect is in contact with a person, the higher the risk of getting sick. Not all ticks are carriers of this dangerous virus, but again, if a bite is not detected in time, the risk of wound infection increases.

Tick interference is sometimes difficult to feel. The fact is that upon contact with the skin, the animal injects its saliva, which numbes the bite site. The tick sticks to the vessels and feeds on blood until it is found, infecting the blood and putting a person in mortal danger.

Tick bite sites

The tick chooses its prey by smell. For a bite, this parasite chooses soft and warm places, preferably moisturized - thus, any hidden fold on the body can be a temporary home for a tick. It is imperative in this place that the blood vessels be located as close as possible to the surface of the skin, so that it is convenient to get to them.

These are mainly armpits, neck, area behind the ears, under the shoulder blades, groin area, buttocks, less often the muscles of the calves and shoulders. As well as sweaty areas under the elastic, belly, knee folds and chest folds.

The skin under the hair is also delicate, and therefore ticks often choose the head for a bite, but it is most difficult to find it there.

Prevention of ticks

Any prevention of ticks and insect bites begins with the right clothes. In a place where there are many trees and tall grass, all skin areas should be covered as much as possible, and a repellent should be sprayed on the remaining visible ones - a special agent that repels any parasites.

Upon returning home or to a place of temporary overnight stay, you should carefully examine yourself and each other, subject all suspicious bites to a critical examination and take appropriate measures if the tick still managed to dig into the skin. It is better to entrust the removal of the tick and the treatment of the bite site to a medical professional - immediately contact the nearest hospital.
