Not all flies are capable of biting. Only a certain type of predator flies causes pain to a person. Moreover, their bites are more painful than those of the same mosquitoes. Fortunately, flies inhabiting Russia do not bite all year round, but seasonally.

"Good and evil" flies

All flies, from a biological point of view, belong to the order of dipterans, which numbers more than 80 thousand winged individuals. If with this fact everything is more or less clear, then further opinions are divided. For example, some are convinced that flies do not bite at all. Others believe that these insects, on the contrary, become angry and aggressive in late summer and before autumn rains.
Who really bites?

Autumn burner
If we talk about insects that live on the territory of Russia, then their separate species, the autumn flare, certainly belongs to the popular biting flies. They are bloodsuckers. It is thanks to the flares that the omen appeared among the people: flies bite - autumn is approaching. It is important to remember here that this is not a housefly, which suddenly changed its culinary delights and became embittered, but a different type of insect. The second name is the bite.
Flamers lay their 9mm larvae in the manure. They pupate directly in the ground.
Outwardly, it looks like a housefly, only slightly larger than it. In addition, there are differences in the structure of the proboscis, and its wings are spread slightly wider than that of an ordinary housefly. The favorite habitats of biters are the countryside, stables, and barns. After all, there is appropriate food for them.
A person suffers from burns most often in August and September. Those who think they bite all year round are a little mistaken. It is worth noting that the favorite bite of these flies is the legs. After aiming, the burner slightly pierces the skin with its proboscis, injects special saliva into the wound, which prevents blood clotting, and begins to suck it. Such bites do not go unnoticed - an allergic reaction is not long in coming. It comes on instantly, accompanied by a burning sensation and pain.
These are, perhaps, the largest flies of the order of dipterans. Some individuals reach a length of 3 cm. Horseflies are one of the most greedy bloodsuckers. The female is capable of sucking up to 200 milligrams of blood from a person at a time. For comparison, 70 mosquitoes can suck the same amount of blood at the same time.
Like mosquitoes, only females bite humans in horseflies. They need blood during fertilization for the maturation of eggs. Male horseflies, like male mosquitoes, feed on flower nectar.
It is important to note that the bites of these flies are painful and dangerous. The fact is that horseflies carry infectious diseases, including anthrax and polio.
Tsetse fly
The world famous tsetse fly lives in Central Africa. In addition to its painful bites, tsetse carries the causative agents of "sleeping sickness". If the appropriate measures are not taken in time, the bite site will swell, after which the lymph glands will enlarge and death will occur. There is no escape from the last stage of "sleeping sickness". A person dies from deep exhaustion of the body.