Chipping animals has a number of advantages. It provides lifelong identification and serves as a kind of proof that the animal belongs to a specific person, and therefore helps in cases of theft and loss of pets. In addition, the presence of the chip allows you to automate the maintenance of the veterinary card. Finally, the chip is required in case of exporting the animal to some countries.

The microchip is sold by manufacturers along with a disposable syringe, with which it is implanted into the animal's body. Microchips are placed in special capsules made of biological glass, the main advantage of which is a high level of compatibility with body tissues. The microchip can be inserted by both an experienced veterinarian and the owner of the animal, provided that he knows how to correctly make subcutaneous injections. If you are unsure of your ability to give the correct injection, seek professional help.

First, you need to scan the chip using a special device. The fact is that it may not work, and then there will be no point in injection. If the chip is scanned correctly, you can start the implantation procedure. Take rubbing alcohol, soak cotton wool in it and wipe the animal's skin where you plan to inject. In dogs and cats, the chip is usually implanted under the skin on the back between the shoulder blades. As for other animals, the chip can also be injected subcutaneously into other parts of the body, so it is worthwhile to clarify in advance how the implantation is carried out in a particular case. For example, the chip is placed behind the ear in pigs, in the chest for birds, and in the neck for horses.

After treating the injection site, carefully insert the needle under your skin at an angle of about 30 degrees. After that, push the plunger of the syringe containing the chip and lower it all the way down. Remove the needle and wipe the injection site with alcohol again. The implantation of the chip does not cause severe pain to the animal, and the discomfort is mainly associated with the insertion of the needle, so preliminary anesthesia is not required. However, it is advisable that someone hold the pet during the injection, not allowing it to escape. After completing the procedure, scan the implanted chip and make sure that the information from it is correctly read. Finally, enter the chip number on the veterinary passport and indicate the date of chipping.