An aquarium with all the necessary equipment and inhabitants is not cheap, therefore, after this purchase, there is not always money left for a curbstone. With enough skill and the availability of tools, you can try to make the stand yourself. This is also a solution for those who are not satisfied with the size, style or color of the products on sale.

It is necessary
- - chipboard;
- - furniture fittings;
- - edge;
- - iron.
Step 1
Choose a place where the cabinet will stand, taking into account the size of the container. Sketch the future stand on a piece of paper and apply all dimensions. Mark the location of the shelves and their heights. Estimate the size of the items that you will store there.

Step 2
Choose the color of the chipboard in the catalog so that it matches the shade of the existing furniture. A drawing of a bedside table can be created using special computer programs Basis-furniture maker, Autocad or others similar to them. On the drawing, mark the dimensions of each part to accurately calculate the material consumption.

Step 3
Mark a hole for wires on the back wall if you have any of the devices hidden inside the nightstand. Take high quality material so that the future stand can withstand the weight of the aquarium.

Step 4
It is better to entrust the sawing of chipboard to professionals, work with a jigsaw is not very accurate. There are usually machines for sawing such materials in the construction markets. As a result, you will have clean, neat details of the bedside table.

Step 5
Choose quality fittings, taking into account the number of doors and shelves. Do not forget to purchase an adhesive edge for chipboard. Take a drill of a suitable diameter for the fastener. Drill the holes according to the marks previously marked with a pencil, they should be symmetrical. Use a hexagon to tighten the comfort units (furniture fasteners). You will have a cabinet frame.

Step 6
Secure the doors to the walls with awnings or guides if you want sliding doors. Screw on the shelf supports or corners to accommodate the shelves. Correct them if something is oblique.
Step 7
Screw the legs to the bottom of the nightstand. Use a towel and iron to glue the edge. Preheat the iron and iron the edge gently applied to the edge of the chipboard through the fabric. Put on the plastic plugs on the comfort units.