What Are The Signs Of Rabies In A Dog?

What Are The Signs Of Rabies In A Dog?
What Are The Signs Of Rabies In A Dog?

One of the dangerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans is rabies. Dogs are in constant contact with humans, and if they become infected with this disease, then the possibility of transmitting rabies from dog to person is great.

What are the signs of rabies in a dog?
What are the signs of rabies in a dog?

Rabies is transmitted through the direct bite of an infected animal. The symptoms of this disease do not appear immediately after the bite, but after 1-2 months. During this period, the virus multiplies in the dog's blood. The disease occurs in 2 forms: violent and quiet.

how rabies is defined in an animal
how rabies is defined in an animal

Violent symptoms

What are the first symptoms of rabies in dogs?
What are the first symptoms of rabies in dogs?

With this form, a change in behavior is observed in the dog. She may be too affectionate or wary. These signs can be replaced by suspicion and aggressiveness towards the entire environment. The animal ceases to recognize its owners, as the rabies virus enters the brain. In the dog's body, unchanging processes are manifested.

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The dog may refuse to eat or show signs of a perverse appetite. She can swallow stones, sticks, earth. She begins to vomit and salivate. This period lasts 1-4 days.

Further, the animal becomes aggressive, pounces on and bites people. The dog develops hydrophobia. When she sees water, she starts to panic, she tries to run away.

After 2-3 days, this form ends in death with signs of paralysis of the pharynx and limbs. The duration of the entire disease with clinical signs can be from 6 to 11 days.

Quiet form symptoms

The paralytic or quiet form is observed in dogs with signs of depression, lack of arousal. The animal has paralysis of the limbs and trunk. The duration of this period is 2-3 days. The animal dies.

Veterinarians register another form of rabies - atypical. It is these non-standard symptoms that have begun to appear lately. Signs of rabies stretch up to 3-4 months. The animal is lethargic and indifferent to its surroundings. During this period, there are disturbances in the nervous and digestive systems.

Prevention of rabies in dogs is the annual vaccination of the animal. Dogs that have not been vaccinated are not allowed to travel on trains or airplanes. Such animals are considered conditionally sick, and are not allowed to dog shows.

If, while walking, your dog came into contact with homeless or wild animals, then you need to contact a veterinary clinic, where the animal will be given all the necessary procedures.

If you observe these signs in your dog, then report it to the local veterinary clinic. The animal is isolated and the necessary tests carried out. If the disease is not confirmed, the dog is returned to the owner.
